Is Peloton Down? What is the current status?

Peloton status is operational
IsDown gathers data for Peloton status from official sources and user reports.
Peloton not working for you?

Peloton issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about Peloton problems

  • C
    16 days ago

    Courtney Saying I have no connection whenever every device in my house is connected to my working WiFi except peloton.

  • R
    16 days ago

    Ryan Connected to internet, will not let me log into account

  • J
    17 days ago

    Jessica Can’t log in to my peloton bike with my log I

  • A
    about 1 month ago

    Annmarie Not able to connect to my account

  • M
    about 2 months ago

    mark Not receiving data even though there is an internet connection

  • M
    about 2 months ago

    mark wifi is at 67 mbps but bike not finding connection

  • P
    about 2 months ago

    Pam I can not view any workouts

  • L
    2 months ago

    Laura Not connecting to internet after power outage

  • M
    3 months ago

    Melinda My bike is having problems connecting to network. It says it is my internet connection but I ran a speed test and it is fine. Been having a problem all day!

  • B
    3 months ago

    Blake Bike not connecting to network

  • K
    3 months ago

    K “Unable to load class. Hang tight!” Message

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jaynee My bike is have trouble connecting to the nextwork and my WiFi is fine

  • S
    4 months ago

    Sean Bike and guide not mirroring my heart rate on my Iwatch

  • R
    4 months ago

    Rob Facebook Not able to share on the tablet to Facebook. Just started today

  • A
    4 months ago

    Ali Peloton app not allowing me to sign in

  • D
    4 months ago

    Donna Bike won’t connect to internet despite connection being fine. Speed test showed “lightening connection”. Reset wifi and turned bike on and off several times. Issue on your end not mine

  • M
    4 months ago

    Mike Not connecting to my home wifi

  • G
    5 months ago

    Gwyn Unable to connect, it’s saying equipment having trouble connecting to network. My Wi-Fi is good though

  • R
    5 months ago

    Rachel Peloton is not connecting to Wi-Fi I have checked my Wi-Fi and that is all good but it isn’t connecting I have also checked cables and power and that is fine

  • P
    5 months ago

    Paul Bike menu loads up. User accounts appear but no icons. Tried to tap on my account and getting a screen message ‘ unable to connect to the network ’ Reboot , check the WiFi is there , used my alte...

  • S
    5 months ago

    Sonia Ongoing network failure. Home WiFi is working.

  • L
    5 months ago

    Liz can sign on to app however the on demand classes dont respond (LULU class)

  • T
    5 months ago

    Tony My peloton bike is stuck with the logo, but I see some turning of screen around the Peloton logo. I have tried resetting it several times.

  • K
    5 months ago

    Karen Yoga class video freezes but voice continues. Rebooted system. Now the entire screen is frozen during class selection

  • K
    5 months ago

    Krista Classes won’t work in the app

  • L
    5 months ago

    Lisa Cannot log into app on phone or on tread even with using password and qr reader

  • R
    5 months ago

    Rachael Can’t load profile on either of my equipment and app

  • B
    5 months ago

    Bryan Cannot log into profile.

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jennifer Cannot log in to profile on bike and phone app also not working. Tried restart and unplugging without success

  • R
    5 months ago

    Rae Unable to open the app on my phone or bike. Can’t log in or access any programs.

  • R
    5 months ago

    Rob Not working, tried to log out and back in. Can’t log in

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jason Cannot log into app or my bike

  • K
    5 months ago

    Kelsey Won’t allow me to login or access library

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jeniffer Can’t load anything just spins its wheels and can’t log in at all on tread

  • T
    5 months ago

    Tony Unable to connect to Peloton via Web

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jane Can’t login, on tread or phone

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jodi Will not allow me to log on and my app will not load either

  • T
    5 months ago

    Tom Will not login on app or bike

  • M
    5 months ago

    Michelle Peloton equipment AND app is not working!

  • G
    5 months ago

    George Connecting to the network

  • M
    5 months ago

    Matt Cannot log in on my Peloton or my app on my phone.

  • A
    5 months ago

    ash Unable to log onto Peloton

  • A
    5 months ago

    Anne asking me to log-in but then not successful

  • D
    5 months ago

    Don I can’t access any of the training videos on either the app or the bike. I get the spinning circle of death

  • L
    5 months ago

    Liz I cannot log in to Peloton on any of my platforms.

  • C
    5 months ago

    Christy Can’t login at all despite password changes

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jennifer Member Login Saying member profile cannot load; try again later. I have turned bike/tread on and off and won’t work this am

  • R
    5 months ago

    Rhonda Will not load anything on the app.

  • S
    5 months ago

    Steph Not able to use peloton bike or app

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jodi Member info and classes not accessible

  • C
    5 months ago

    Carrie Get error message when trying to sign on

  • C
    5 months ago

    Carolina Doesn’t let me get into my page.

  • P
    5 months ago

    Patricia Can’t load classes or log in on app and on bike

  • R
    5 months ago

    Roger Can’t log on the app or the bike

  • M
    5 months ago

    Mark Member Login Cannot load profile on bike

  • T
    5 months ago

    Ted I try to log on and the bike says that it cannot load my profile and to try again later.

  • L
    5 months ago

    Lori Cannot load profile on Bike

  • K
    5 months ago

    Kathi I can’t access classes or my profile.

  • S
    5 months ago

    Sara Can’t log into my account

  • M
    5 months ago

    Maureen App/Connection not working "come back later"

Peloton outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

11 issues

Last incident

1 days ago

Peloton outage history

Search is not working as expected and is only successfully loading the first page of results.


Started September 23, 2024

The issue has been root caused, and a fix will roll out next week.

Elevated Crash Rate for Peloton WearOS Watch App


Started September 04, 2024

We have identified an issue with the Peloton Watch App for WearOS (version 3.32.0) causing the app to crash under multiple scenarios. We have identified the root cause and are actively working on a...

Check Peloton components, services, or regions current status in real-time

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Peloton down today?

Peloton is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 2 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Peloton status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Peloton outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last Peloton outage?

Peloton last outage was on September 27, 2024 with the title "Members may not be able to book studio classes or sign-up for wait lists"

Peloton not working for you? How do I know if Peloton is down?
How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.