Need to monitor YNAB outages?
Stay on top of outages with IsDown. Monitor the official status pages of all your vendors, SaaS, and tools, including YNAB, and never miss an outage again.
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Our import provider has confirmed this issue is resolved. If you're still having trouble write to!
Our Direct Import provider has resolved their outage, so it should be back to business as usual! Please try the connection again (whatever you were doing when you ran into the error message!), and it you're still having trouble write to
Our import provider is all hands on deck working on the issue. We are in direct contact with them so we will pass along any updates as we receive them!
One of our Direct Import providers is currently experiencing issues, so we've brought it into maintenance. In the meantime, use our other transaction entry methods to keep your accounts up to date!
With IsDown, you can monitor all your critical services' official status pages from one centralized dashboard and receive instant alerts the moment an outage is detected. Say goodbye to constantly checking multiple sites for updates and stay ahead of outages with IsDown.
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