Official Status Information
We aggregate all the official status information from your cloud providers and services in one place.
Monitoring 3,550+ status pages
Our status page aggregator monitors over 3150+ status pages of the most popular services.
Real-time updates
We track the status pages almost in real-time, so you can get the latest information ASAP.
Customizable Notifications
We only send you alerts that matter to you. No more noise, no more alert fatigue. Filter by components and severity.
Early outage indicators
Even when the official status page is not updated, our crowdsourced status platform helps you stay ahead of outages.
Connect with your tools
We integrate with the tools you already use, such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, Datadog, Pagerduty, FireHydrant, Opsgenie and more.
Prepared for every team
Create custom status pages, notifications, and dashboards for each team or department.
Status Page available
Share the status page with your team, so everyone can stay on top of the outages.
Track maintenances
Avoid unexpected downtime by staying up-to-date on planned maintenance for your monitored services.
Historical data access
Gain insights from historical cloud performance analytics for all your services, helping you make informed decisions about your service dependencies.
5-minute Setup
Start monitoring your services in just 5 minutes. No need to install anything, just sign up and start monitoring.
Private Status Page
Protect your status page with a password, or limit it to an IP set so only your team can access it.
API Available
Use our API to integrate IsDown with your existing systems and workflows. No need for extensive configuration or training.
Single Sign-On
Use your existing Single Sign-On provider to manage your team's access to IsDown.
And a lot more...
Uptime & Keyword & SSL monitoring, Custom Domains, and a lot more.