Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Akamai and Cloudflare
We are investigating an emerging issue with mPulse related to a real-time dashboards resulting in lack of dashboard and alerting availability beginning at ~18:24 UTC on 2nd January, 2024.. We are a...
We are investigating an emerging issue with one of our Data Centers in Mumbai (India) due to which customers in India may experience rebuffering and slower domain performance. We are actively inves...
We are investigating an emerging issue with Edge DNS related to propagation delay where Edge DNS zone activation is in pending state for a while. We are actively investigating the issue and will pr...
We are currently observing and working to resolve the following Billing issues: Failed Plan Modifications: There are intermittent issues with subscription upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations....
Cloudflare is investigating delays in propagation of updates to DNS records. More updates to follow shortly.
Cloudflare is investigating issues with the Service to Service Posture Checks component within Cloudflare One. Customers using Service to Service Posture Checks might observe failures. More update...
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