Outage in Bandwidth

Industry Messaging Provisioning Failures

Resolved Major
May 23, 2023 - Started almost 2 years ago - Lasted 9 days
Official incident page

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Outage Details

We've identified an issue causing provisioning failures with the industry vendor. This would affect all TNs enabled for messaging since 5:45am ET this morning as well as any campaign updates that have been made. Relevant teams are engaged and we'll advise once we have further updates.
Latest Updates ( sorted recent to last )
RESOLVED almost 2 years ago - at 06/01/2023 12:26PM

The dashboard team ran maintenance last night to correct the affected dashboard which completed successfully. At this time we’re considering this incident resolved. Thank you for your patience.

MONITORING almost 2 years ago - at 05/31/2023 03:14PM

We're still working to rectify any incomplete orders in the dashboard related to the NN outage. We'll advise once this process is complete.

MONITORING almost 2 years ago - at 05/26/2023 02:26PM

We are still working on completion of dashboard orders affected by this incident, but it requires manual intervention. While we're working as quickly as possible, we can't give a hard ETR, though we expect resolution to be complete by early next week and possibly sooner. We'll provide an update on resolution once complete.

MONITORING almost 2 years ago - at 05/24/2023 05:33PM

We're still working to correct incomplete orders in the dashboard, and we'll advise once that has been completed.

MONITORING almost 2 years ago - at 05/24/2023 12:56PM

We're still working to correct incomplete orders in the dashboard, and we'll advise once that has been completed.

MONITORING almost 2 years ago - at 05/24/2023 12:58AM

At this time all pending orders have been completed, but this may not be reflected in the dashboard for all numbers yet. We’re running additional mitigation to correct that in the morning, and we’ll advise once complete if it is successful.

MONITORING almost 2 years ago - at 05/23/2023 08:20PM

Bandwidth has been advised by this vendor that they have mediated this incident. Bandwidth teams are currently monitoring for ongoing stability.

IDENTIFIED almost 2 years ago - at 05/23/2023 07:23PM

We are continuing to work with our vendor to implement a fix for this issue and we'll continue to provide updates as they become available. Be advised, the issue is affecting ALL NNID updates being sent to our vendor, regardless of order or update type.

IDENTIFIED almost 2 years ago - at 05/23/2023 04:47PM

We are continuing to work with our vendor to implement a fix for this issue and we'll continue to provide updates as they become available.

IDENTIFIED almost 2 years ago - at 05/23/2023 02:21PM

We've confirmed with our vendor the issue is with their network. We're working with them on mitigation and we'll advise once we have further updates.

IDENTIFIED almost 2 years ago - at 05/23/2023 01:42PM

We've identified an issue causing provisioning failures with the industry vendor. This would affect all TNs enabled for messaging since 5:45am ET this morning as well as any campaign updates that have been made. Relevant teams are engaged and we'll advise once we have further updates.

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