Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Blockchain and Coinbase Prime
We have identified an issue with our email delivery service. Your funds are safe.
We are investigating block processing delay for Polkadot, this impact deposits and withdrawals.
Our block processing for TON is slightly delayed, we are working to solve the issue. Funds are safe.
We are aware that some users may be experiencing delayed sends for Ripple (XRP). Buys, Sells, and Fiat withdrawals/deposits are not affected. We are investigating this issue and will provide an upd...
We are aware that some users may be experiencing delayed sends and receives for Stellar (XLM). Buys, Sells, and Fiat withdrawals/deposits are not affected. We are investigating this issue and will ...
We are aware that some customers may experience withdrawal and deposit delays due to third party dependencies. We are monitoring this event and will provide updates as they are available.
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