Shortcut vs. Linear

Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Shortcut and Linear

Every service has different practices when updating its status page, so compare these stats with a grain of salt. E.g., one service can be more aggressive when updating its status page than other so that they will have more incidents, but it doesn't mean it is worse than the other.


Shortcut current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Customers are having issues with linking Sentry issues to Shortcut Stories. We are investigating the root cause.

We are currently investigating this issue.

Resolved Delayed updates

We are observing increased latencies throughout our system. Changes to your workspace may not be immediately apparent to other users.

about 1 month ago Official incident report
Resolved Shortcut Docs: Public Docs Not Rendering

For Shortcut Docs that have the "Public Link" toggle enabled, the public version of those documents is currently not rendering correctly. The team is investigating.

about 2 months ago Official incident report


Linear current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Some reports of slow performance in Linear

We're investigating reports of slow behavior in Linear. This behavior seems to be recovering, but we're continuing to work on this.

Resolved Problem with user and integration authentication

We are fixing an issue that broke user and integration authentication and will update here shortly with more news.

Resolved Issues sending login emails and email notifications

We're investigating reports of login emails not being received when logging into Linear using the "Continue with email" method. Email notifications also appear to be affected.

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