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Statusopdatering: Fejlen opstår som følge af, at Nordea Erhverv sender ukorrekte data til Aiia. Dette kan resultere i, at posteringer vises flere gange i bankafstemningen, forsvinder fra bankafstemningen, eller at allerede udlignede posteringer ændrer deres karakter. Vi har observeret, at dato, beløb og tekst kan ændres som følge af anmodninger fra Nordea Erhverv.
Hvis du oplever disse fejl med Nordea Erhverv, anbefaler vi midlertidigt at afbryde bankforbindelsen til Nordea Erhverv indtil fejlen er løst og importere kontoudtog manuelt. Vi er i tæt dialog med Aiia for at afhjælpe situationen, og du kan følge statusopdateringer fra Aiia her:
Status Update: The issue arises because Nordea Erhverv is sending incorrect data to Aiia. This can result in transactions appearing multiple times in the bank reconciliation, disappearing from it, or already settled transactions changing their nature. We have observed that the date, amount, and text can change as a result of requests from Nordea Erhverv.
If you experience these issues with Nordea Erhverv, we recommend temporarily disconnecting the bank connection to Nordea Erhverv until the situation is resolved and manually importing your account statements. We are in close dialogue with Aiia to resolve the situation, and you can follow status updates from Aiia here:
Vi oplever i øjeblikket, at data fra Nordea Erhverv er uregelmæssige. Dette betyder, at posteringerne enten kan mangle eller komme ind flere gange i bankafstemningen.
Vi undersøger dette og stræber efter at finde en løsning hurtigst muligt. Vi beklager de gener, dette medfører. Hvis dette er et særligt stort problem i din arbejdsgang, kan du midlertidigt afbryde bankforbindelsen.
We are currently experiencing irregularities with data from Nordea Erhverv. This means that entries may either be missing or appear multiple times in the bank reconciliation.
We are investigating this and striving to find a solution as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes. If this is a particularly significant problem in your workflow, you can temporarily disconnect the bank connection.
With IsDown, you can monitor all your critical services' official status pages from one centralized dashboard and receive instant alerts the moment an outage is detected. Say goodbye to constantly checking multiple sites for updates and stay ahead of outages with IsDown.
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