Multiple GCP products impacted in us-west2 region / us-west2-a zone
October 16, 2024 - Started 5 months ago
- Lasted about 1 hour
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Outage Details
Summary: Multiple GCP products impacted in us-west2 region / us-west2-a zone
Description: We are experiencing an issue with several GCP products including Google Cloud SQL, Google Compute Engine, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Google Cloud Networking, Hybrid Connectivity, Identity and Access Management and Google Cloud Dataflow.
Our engineering teams continue to remain fully engaged, and focusing on finding a mitigation. We will provide an update by Wednesday, 2024-10-16 02:30 US/Pacific with current details.
**Diagnosis:** - **Google Cloud SQL**: Some instance operations such as instance create and backup may fail. - **Cloud Interconnect**: Cloud Interconnect attachments to us-west2 cannot be created, updated, or deleted. - **Google Compute Engine**: Customers will see some of their VMs unavailable in us-west2-a, where they will not be able to SSH, modify or delete them. New VM creations are working for the zone and those VMs will be healthy.. - **Google Cloud Bigtable**: Increase in CANCELED and UNAVAILABLE errors for cluster located in us-west2-a
Google Cloud Dataflow: Impacted customers may experience latency (slowness) while running both batch jobs. Streaming jobs are no longer affected. - **Artifact Registry:** Asynchronous API operations to create new AR repositories saw an increased failure rate, up to 5% average - **Persistent Disk:** Snapshots might fail in this zone. - **Cloud Deploy:** Cloud Deploy's render, predeploy, deploy, verify, and postdeploy operations in us-west2 are unable to complete. - **Pub/Sub**: The impact for Pub/sub is already mitigated as traffic is diverted away from the impacted location
**Workaround:** - **CloudSQL**: Users can perform these operations in a region other than us-west2 - **Message Streams**: Users can create new VMs which will be created in the same zone, but a different cluster. Current VMs are unavailable - **Google Cloud Bigtable**: Route traffic from cluster is us-west2-a to another replicated cluster in different zone
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