Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Greenhouse and Workable
Every service has different practices when updating its status page, so compare these stats with a grain of salt. E.g., one service can be more aggressive when updating its status page than other so that they will have more incidents, but it doesn't mean it is worse than the other.
The UI is not allowing the user to set a custom expiration date. It is defaulting to the standard 15 days. We are currently investigation the issue. Users should still be able to continue to use th...
We are currently investigating the issue.
When requesting availability, the Suggest Times feature is not saving an interviewer's suggested times when you toggle between weeks. We have identified the issue and are working on a fix.
We are currently experiencing a service disruption with the e-signature functionality. Users may encounter errors when sending, approving, signing, or updating e-signature templates. This issue aff...
You might experience issues when moving/disqualifying candidates - we are investigating.
On Wednesday, 28 Aug 2024, we will be performing upgrades in the main databases of Workable that will last 30 minutes. The upgrades are needed for security and improved performance. During this mai...
How much time you'll save your team, by having the outages information close to them?
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