Compare the status, incidents stats and history between IsDown and Datadog US1
We are currently investigating issues with the North American servers responsible for testing the uptime of custom monitors.
From around 00:30 a.m. UTC to 03:40 a.m. UTC, we had an issue with the servers used to monitor the North American region, creating false positives.
We're getting reports of timeouts similar to those in a previous incident ( We're checking with the cloud provider to see if there is anything w...
Some US1 customers experiencing degraded performance for APM. Customers may see transient errors, but these should resolve with an automatic retry from the Datadog agent.
We are investigating increased latency in processing APM Distribution Metrics and Data Streams Monitoring Metrics as well as monitors notifications based on these metrics, which began at 17h47 UTC....
We are investigating increased ingestion latency of APM data.
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