Outage in Monta

Missing Spot Price and Forecast Data in Specific Countries

Resolved Minor
October 01, 2024 - Started 5 months ago - Lasted about 19 hours
Official incident page

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Outage Details

We're currently experiencing issues with the price data we use to calculate charging costs, specifically the spot prices from Nordpool: https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/market-data12/Dayahead/Area-Prices/LT/Daily/?view=table. This affects users in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden. As a result, price calculations for some paid charging sessions that start after this evening may be impacted. These charges will likely fall back to the default or "fallback" price set by you/ your operator. Here is how to specify the fallback price: https://monta.com/uk/help-center/build-dynamic-price-group/#heading-1. If you’re using SmartCharge in the affected areas, the charging may not happen at the cheapest times as expected. Without the price forecast, your car might start charging at higher-cost periods, which could result in higher charges than anticipated. We’re in contact with Nordpool and are actively working to resolve the issue. We’ll keep you informed with any updates as they become available. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Components affected
Monta Charging Monta Smart charge
Latest Updates ( sorted recent to last )
RESOLVED 5 months ago - at 10/02/2024 11:28AM

Monitoring showed that Spot Price synchronization works as expected. The issue is resolved now.

MONITORING 5 months ago - at 10/02/2024 07:35AM

We have been able to update the integration with Nordpool. Spot Prices are incoming now. We are monitoring over the next days.

IDENTIFIED 5 months ago - at 10/02/2024 07:34AM

We have identified the issue and working on a fix.

INVESTIGATING 5 months ago - at 10/01/2024 08:07PM

We are now receiving data again for all the specified countries, with the exception of Great Britain, where the issue persists.
The countries that have been fixed should not face any problems with paid charging.

However, pre-scheduled smart charges in these regions may still occur at incorrect times, despite charging itself not being disrupted.
Again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

INVESTIGATING 5 months ago - at 10/01/2024 04:43PM

We're currently experiencing issues with the price data we use to calculate charging costs, specifically the spot prices from Nordpool: https://www.nordpoolgroup.com/en/market-data12/Dayahead/Area-Prices/LT/Daily/?view=table.
This affects users in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden.

As a result, price calculations for some paid charging sessions that start after this evening may be impacted. These charges will likely fall back to the default or "fallback" price set by you/ your operator. Here is how to specify the fallback price: https://monta.com/uk/help-center/build-dynamic-price-group/#heading-1.

If you’re using SmartCharge in the affected areas, the charging may not happen at the cheapest times as expected. Without the price forecast, your car might start charging at higher-cost periods, which could result in higher charges than anticipated.

We’re in contact with Nordpool and are actively working to resolve the issue. We’ll keep you informed with any updates as they become available.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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