Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Blockchain and Luno
We have identified an issue with our email delivery service. Your funds are safe.
We are investigating block processing delay for Polkadot, this impact deposits and withdrawals.
Our block processing for TON is slightly delayed, we are working to solve the issue. Funds are safe.
We have identified an issue that has caused Cardano(ADA) sends and receives to be delayed. Sending and receiving Cardano may take longer than usual. Our team is currently working on this as a pri...
Customers unable to use bank transfer deposit option at the moment. You can make use of our other deposit methods such as FPX and Touch n Go (Please ensure it’s from a bank account in your own nam...
We are currently experiencing intermittent delays with deposits & withdrawals via bank transfers due to issues with one of our third-party providers. We are working closely with them to get t...
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