Outage in bvoip

Microsoft 365 Mail Delays

Resolved Minor
June 19, 2024 - Started 9 months ago - Lasted 44 minutes

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Outage Details

We are seeing a delay in some messages being sent, and it appears to be strictly to Microsoft 365 tenants at this time. This delays emails such as password resets and voicemail notifications when using our standard SMTP connection.

This is similar to a previous incident we saw a few months ago, and we recommend using the following document to work around this outage: https://docs.bvoip.net/en_US/551349-microsoft-365/setup-microsoft-365-smtp
Components affected
bvoip Aux Services
Latest Updates ( sorted recent to last )
9 months ago - at 06/19/2024 05:45PM

We are seeing a delay in some messages being sent, and it appears to be strictly to Microsoft 365 tenants at this time. This delays emails such as password resets and voicemail notifications when using our standard SMTP connection.

This is similar to a previous incident we saw a few months ago, and we recommend using the following document to work around this outage: https://docs.bvoip.net/en_US/551349-microsoft-365/setup-microsoft-365-smtp

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