Outage in CodeTwo

Email deliverability delays due to degraded performance of Exchange Online email pipeline

Resolved Minor
June 21, 2022 - Started over 2 years ago - Lasted about 1 hour
Official incident page

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Outage Details

We are currently investigating this problem. Some messages cannot be sent from our service due to a degraded performance of a large number of Microsoft Exchange Online Protection servers. Our retry policies usually manage to successfully sent messages via different servers that are currently available, but it may take a few minutes for the messages to reach final recipients. Signatures are imprinted as normal. Next update will be provided in 30 minutes.
Latest Updates ( sorted recent to last )
MONITORING over 2 years ago - at 06/21/2022 08:54AM

We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.

MONITORING over 2 years ago - at 06/21/2022 08:36AM

The messages are currently delivered without delays. We will now monitor the services.

IDENTIFIED over 2 years ago - at 06/21/2022 08:06AM

We are seeing signs of recovery. Next update in 30 minutes.

IDENTIFIED over 2 years ago - at 06/21/2022 07:52AM

Microsoft has reported the following incidents in EAC:

EX394347 - https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home#/servicehealth/:/alerts/EX394347
EX394348 - https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home#/servicehealth/:/alerts/EX394348

We are monitoring the problem. We can see that lots of messages are delivered successfully after a second try. Next update in 30 minutes.

INVESTIGATING over 2 years ago - at 06/21/2022 07:42AM

We are currently investigating this problem. Some messages cannot be sent from our service due to a degraded performance of a large number of Microsoft Exchange Online Protection servers. Our retry policies usually manage to successfully sent messages via different servers that are currently available, but it may take a few minutes for the messages to reach final recipients. Signatures are imprinted as normal. Next update will be provided in 30 minutes.

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