DigitalOcean vs. Vercel

Compare the status, incidents stats and history between DigitalOcean and Vercel

Every service has different practices when updating its status page, so compare these stats with a grain of salt. E.g., one service can be more aggressive when updating its status page than other so that they will have more incidents, but it doesn't mean it is worse than the other.


DigitalOcean current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Cloud Control Panel and API

As of 17:56 UTC, our Engineering team is investigating an issue impacting our Cloud Control Panel and API. During this time, users will experience errors when trying to use the public API at api.d...

about 17 hours ago Official incident report
Resolved Managed Databases Metrics

Our Engineering team has identified and is currently repairing an issue affecting database engine metrics in the Cloud Control Panel for Managed Databases. Users with PostgreSQL, MySQL, Kafka, Ope...

Resolved Cloud Control Panel Errors with Billing

Our Engineering team is investigating an issue with the Billing page for Teams on the Cloud Control Panel. During this time, users may receive error messages when attempting to access or perform ac...


Vercel current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Ignore Build Step triggered erroneously on some builds

Some builds are erroneously being cancelled with the message: The Deployment has been cancelled as a result of running the command defined in the "Ignored Build Step" setting.

Resolved Blob Storage error rates

We are currently investigating an increase in 400 errors related to Blob Storage.

Resolved Vercel Marketplace and Integrations Pages are Unavailable

We are currently investigating an issue where the Vercel Marketplace and Integrations pages are down. This affects the Integrations tab in the Vercel Dashboard and I...

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