Need to monitor e-conomic outages?
Stay on top of outages with IsDown. Monitor the official status pages of all your vendors, SaaS, and tools, including e-conomic, and never miss an outage again.
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Der bliver igen afsendt beskeder til login ved 2FA SMS / Messages are being sent again for login via 2FA SMS.
Vi oplever lige nu at der problemer med at logger ind, da der ikke bliver sendt 2FA SMS, når man forsøger logge ind. Du kan altid klikke på Prøv en anden måde og bruge enten en 6-cifret kode, en nød kode eller bruge Visma Connect Authenticator Appen. Vi arbejder på at få det løst hurtigst muligt og beklager de udfordringer det giver.
We are currently experiencing issues with logging in, as 2FA SMS is not being sent when attempting to log in. You can always click on Try another way and use either 6digit code, emergency code or use the Visma Connect Authenticator App. We are working to resolve this as quickly as possible and apologize for the inconvenience this causes.
With IsDown, you can monitor all your critical services' official status pages from one centralized dashboard and receive instant alerts the moment an outage is detected. Say goodbye to constantly checking multiple sites for updates and stay ahead of outages with IsDown.
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