Outage in Google Cloud

Multiple cloud products are experiencing network connectivity issues. New instances of several cloud products will come up without a network in many regions.

Resolved Major
May 16, 2024 - Started 10 months ago - Lasted about 2 hours

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Outage Details

Summary: Programming failures for New Virtual Private Cloud endpoints globally affecting New GCE VM network programming and Cloud Run using Direct VPC. Description: We are experiencing an issue with Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) beginning on Thursday, 2024-05-16 14:44 US/Pacific. Our engineering team continues to investigate the issue We will provide an update by Thursday, 2024-05-16 16:57 US/Pacific with current details. Diagnosis: Customers impacted by this issue may see slow programming in the Cloud Networking control plane. New VMs or newly migrated VMs may have delayed network programming. For Cloud Run DirectVPC customers, Cloud Run scaling, including from 0 may not work. Serverless VPC Connectors cannot be created or scale. App Engine Flex deployments cannot be created or scale. Workaround: None at this time.
Components affected
Cloud Data Fusion (me-west1) Cloud Data Fusion Cloud Data Fusion (asia-northeast3) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-southeast1) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-southeast2) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-northeast2) Cloud Data Fusion (southamerica-east1) Cloud Data Fusion (europe-west3) Cloud Data Fusion (us-east5) Cloud Data Fusion (europe-west2) Cloud Data Fusion (us-east1) Cloud Data Fusion (us-west2) Cloud Data Fusion (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-south1) Cloud Data Fusion (europe-west4) Cloud Data Fusion (europe-west6) Cloud Data Fusion (australia-southeast1) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-northeast1) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-east2) Cloud Data Fusion (us-south1) Cloud Data Fusion (us-west1) Cloud Data Fusion (asia-east1) Cloud Data Fusion (europe-north1) Cloud Data Fusion (us-east4) Cloud Data Fusion (us-central1) Cloud Data Fusion (europe-west1) Apigee (us-east5) Apigee (asia-southeast1) Apigee (europe-west8) Apigee (northamerica-northeast1) Apigee (northamerica-northeast2) Apigee (australia-southeast2) Apigee (asia-southeast2) Apigee (europe-west6) Apigee (europe-north1) Apigee (southamerica-east1) Apigee (us-west3) Apigee (europe-west9) Apigee (europe-southwest1) Apigee (asia-east1) Apigee (us-east1) Apigee (asia-northeast1) Apigee (europe-west1) Apigee (asia-northeast2) Apigee (asia-south2) Apigee Apigee (europe-west2) Apigee (europe-west3) Apigee (us-west2) Apigee (asia-northeast3) Apigee (europe-central2) Apigee (us-central1) Google App Engine (us-east4) Google App Engine (europe-central2) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Composer (us-west4) Google Cloud Composer (asia-east1) Google Cloud Composer (northamerica-northeast2) Google Cloud Composer (us-west2) Google Cloud Composer (australia-southeast2) Google App Engine (asia-east1) Google App Engine (southamerica-east1) Google App Engine (us-west4) Google Cloud Composer (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Composer (europe-west6) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (us-east1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (asia-northeast1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (us-central1) Google App Engine (us-west3) Google App Engine (europe-west6) Google App Engine (asia-southeast2) Google Cloud Composer (asia-southeast2) Google App Engine (europe-west2) Google App Engine (europe-west1) Google App Engine (europe-west3) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (europe-west4) Google App Engine (asia-east2) Google Cloud Composer (northamerica-northeast1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks Google Cloud Composer (europe-west3) Google Cloud Composer (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud Composer (europe-west9) Google Cloud Composer (us-west1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (asia-southeast1) Google App Engine (us-west2) Google App Engine (us-east1) Google App Engine (asia-northeast1) Google Cloud Composer (us-central1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (europe-west3) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (australia-southeast1) Google Cloud Composer (europe-north1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (asia-east1) Google Cloud Composer (asia-south1) Google Cloud Composer (europe-central2) Google App Engine (asia-northeast3) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (europe-west6) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (us-west1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (asia-northeast3) Google App Engine (australia-southeast1) Google Cloud Composer (asia-northeast3) Google App Engine (northamerica-northeast1) Google App Engine (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud Composer (europe-west1) Google Cloud Composer (us-east1) Google App Engine (asia-southeast1) Google App Engine (asia-south1) Google App Engine (us-central1) Google Cloud Composer (us-east4) Google Cloud Composer (europe-west4) Google Cloud Composer (southamerica-east1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (us-west2) Google Cloud Composer Google Cloud Composer (asia-northeast1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (europe-west2) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (europe-west1) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (asia-southeast2) Google App Engine (us-west1) Google Cloud Composer (us-east5) Google Cloud Composer (europe-west2) Vertex AI Workbench User Managed Notebooks (us-east4) Google Cloud Composer (us-west3) Google Cloud Composer (asia-east2) Google Cloud Composer (australia-southeast1) Google App Engine Cloud Load Balancing (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-west2) Google Kubernetes Engine (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-east2) Cloud Filestore (asia-southeast2) Cloud Load Balancing (australia-southeast1) Cloud Load Balancing (us-west4) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west4) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west1) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west12) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-west1) Cloud Filestore (europe-west1) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west4) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-south1) Cloud Filestore (me-west1) Google Kubernetes Engine (me-west1) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-southwest1) Google Cloud Networking (global) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-south2) Cloud Load Balancing (southamerica-east1) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Dataflow (australia-southeast1) Cloud Filestore (us-central1) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west3) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west6) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-southeast1) Cloud Filestore (europe-west12) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west3) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-east1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west12) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-west4) Google Kubernetes Engine (me-central1) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-east2) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west3) Google Cloud Dataflow (me-central1) Cloud Filestore (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-north1) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-east4) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west6) Google Kubernetes Engine (me-central2) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-east5) Cloud Load Balancing (us-west3) Cloud Filestore (us-east4) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-northeast1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west10) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-northeast1) Google Cloud Dataflow (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Dataflow (me-west1) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-west4) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west8) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-southeast1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west8) Cloud Filestore (australia-southeast2) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-southeast2) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-west3) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-south2) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-southeast2) Cloud Load Balancing (me-central1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-southwest1) Cloud Filestore (northamerica-northeast2) Google Cloud Dataflow Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-northeast2) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-northeast2) Cloud Filestore (europe-west3) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-east1) Cloud Filestore (southamerica-east1) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west9) Google Cloud Dataflow (me-central2) Cloud Build (global) Cloud Filestore (asia-south2) Google Kubernetes Engine (australia-southeast1) Cloud Filestore (asia-southeast1) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-north1) Google Cloud Dataflow (southamerica-west1) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-east4) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-central1) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-east1) Cloud Load Balancing (us-east4) Cloud Filestore (australia-southeast1) Google Kubernetes Engine Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-central2) Cloud Filestore (us-west2) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-south1) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west9) Cloud Filestore (europe-southwest1) Cloud Filestore (europe-west9) Cloud Filestore (europe-west8) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-east1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west2) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west8) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west10) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-east1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-north1) Cloud Filestore (europe-west6) Cloud Load Balancing (me-west1) Cloud Filestore (us-west3) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west6) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-south2) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west12) Cloud Filestore (us-west1) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-south1) Google Cloud Networking Google Cloud Networking (asia-east2) Google Cloud Networking (asia-northeast1) Google Cloud Networking (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud Networking (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Networking (asia-south1) Google Cloud Networking (asia-south2) Google Cloud Networking (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Networking (asia-southeast2) Google Cloud Networking (australia-southeast2) Google Cloud Networking (europe-central2) Google Cloud Networking (europe-north1) Google Cloud Networking (europe-southwest1) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west1) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west2) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west8) Google Cloud Networking (me-central2) Google Cloud Networking (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Networking (southamerica-west1) Google Cloud Networking (us-central1) Google Cloud Networking (us-west3) Google Cloud Networking (us-west4) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-east1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-east2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-south2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (australia-southeast1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-central2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-north1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west9) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (northamerica-northeast1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (southamerica-east1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-west4) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (me-central2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west8) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-southeast1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-west2) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west6) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west10) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west4) Google Cloud Networking (southamerica-east1) Google Cloud Networking (us-east4) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-west3) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-southeast2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west6) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west10) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (me-central1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-northeast1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-south1) Google Cloud Networking (me-west1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-northeast2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-southwest1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west1) Google Cloud Networking (us-east1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-east1) Google Cloud Networking (northamerica-northeast2) Google Cloud Networking (us-west1) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west9) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (australia-southeast2) Google Cloud Networking (me-central1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (northamerica-northeast2) Google Cloud Networking (asia-east1) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west3) Google Cloud Networking (europe-west12) Google Cloud Networking (australia-southeast1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west4) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (southamerica-west1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west3) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (me-west1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Networking (us-west2) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (europe-west12) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-west1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-central1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (us-east4) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-south2) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-north1) Hybrid Connectivity (southamerica-east1) Hybrid Connectivity (us-central1) Cloud NAT (me-central1) Cloud NAT (europe-central2) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-west1) Hybrid Connectivity (australia-southeast2) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-southeast1) Hybrid Connectivity (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud NAT (europe-west1) Cloud NAT (asia-south2) Cloud NAT (asia-northeast2) Cloud NAT (us-west2) Hybrid Connectivity (northamerica-northeast2) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-west2) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-west6) Cloud NAT (asia-northeast3) Cloud NAT (europe-north1) Cloud NAT (southamerica-west1) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-west4) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-southeast2) Hybrid Connectivity (us-west3) Cloud NAT (australia-southeast1) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-northeast2) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-west8) Cloud NAT (europe-west2) Cloud NAT (asia-east2) Hybrid Connectivity (australia-southeast1) Cloud NAT (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud NAT (me-west1) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-west3) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-northeast3) Hybrid Connectivity (southamerica-west1) Cloud NAT (us-east5) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-east2) Cloud NAT (us-south1) Hybrid Connectivity Cloud NAT (europe-west9) Hybrid Connectivity (us-west2) Cloud NAT (us-east4) Cloud NAT (europe-west10) Cloud NAT (europe-west8) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-east1) Cloud NAT (europe-west6) Cloud NAT (asia-northeast1) Hybrid Connectivity (europe-central2) Cloud NAT (europe-west4) Cloud NAT (northamerica-northeast2) Cloud NAT (asia-south1) Cloud NAT Cloud NAT (europe-west3) Cloud NAT (asia-southeast2) Cloud NAT (me-central2) Cloud NAT (us-east1) Cloud NAT (europe-southwest1) Cloud NAT (us-west1) Cloud NAT (europe-west12) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-northeast1) Firebase Test Lab Dataproc Metastore Dataproc Metastore (europe-west2) Dataproc Metastore (southamerica-east1) Dataproc Metastore (us-central1) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-south2) Google Cloud Deploy (us-east1) Google Cloud Deploy Cloud Workstations (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Dataproc (me-central2) Cloud Workstations (europe-west3) Dataproc Metastore (asia-northeast1) Dataproc Metastore (europe-west1) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-south1) Cloud Build (europe-north1) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-central1) Backup and DR (europe-west1) Cloud Workstations (europe-west1) Google Cloud Dataproc Google Cloud Dataproc (us-east1) Cloud Build (asia-south1) Dataproc Metastore (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west2) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-northeast1) Cloud Build (asia-northeast1) Cloud Build (us-central1) Cloud Build (us-west4) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west12) Cloud Build (asia-southeast1) Cloud Workstations (europe-west4) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-east5) Cloud Build (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-west4) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-south2) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-south1) Cloud Workstations (europe-west12) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-south1) Cloud Build (europe-west4) Cloud Build (us-east4) Cloud Workstations (asia-east1) Cloud Workstations (us-west1) Cloud Build (us-west3) Dataproc Metastore (europe-west3) Cloud Build (europe-west2) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-east2) Cloud Build (us-west2) Cloud Developer Tools Cloud Build Backup and DR (us-central1) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-north1) Dataproc Metastore (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-east2) Cloud Workstations (us-central1) Backup and DR (us-east1) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-northeast1) Backup and DR (us-west1) Google Cloud Dataproc (southamerica-west1) Dataproc Metastore (australia-southeast1) Cloud Build (asia-northeast2) Cloud Workstations (asia-northeast1) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-southeast2) Dataproc Metastore (us-east1) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-east4) Cloud Build (europe-west1) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Deploy (northamerica-northeast2) Google Cloud Deploy (southamerica-east1) Google Cloud Deploy (us-central1) Google Cloud Deploy (australia-southeast1) Google Cloud Deploy (australia-southeast2) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-west1) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-west3) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-west6) Dataproc Metastore (europe-west8) Dataproc Metastore (us-east4) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west3) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-central2) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-west3) Google Cloud Dataproc (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud Workstations (europe-southwest1) Google Cloud Deploy (us-west1) Google Cloud Deploy (us-west2) Google Cloud Deploy (us-west4) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-east1) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west8) Cloud Build (europe-west3) Cloud Build (southamerica-east1) Cloud Workstations (southamerica-west1) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west9) Backup and DR (asia-east1) Google Cloud Deploy (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Deploy (southamerica-west1) Google Cloud Dataproc (australia-southeast1) Cloud Workstations (europe-west9) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-west2) Cloud Build (northamerica-northeast1) Backup and DR (us-east4) Cloud Workstations (europe-north1) Cloud Workstations (europe-west6) Google Cloud Dataproc (us-west1) Google Cloud Deploy (asia-east1) Google Cloud Deploy (us-west3) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west1) Cloud Build (asia-southeast2) Cloud Run (asia-southeast2) Cloud Run (us-east5) Cloud Run (me-west1) Cloud Run (southamerica-east1) Cloud Run (us-west4) Cloud Run (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud Run (asia-southeast1) Cloud Run (southamerica-west1) Cloud Run (asia-northeast2) Cloud Run (asia-south2) Cloud Run (europe-west10) Cloud Run (us-south1) Cloud Run (asia-northeast3) Cloud Run (europe-north1) Cloud Run (us-east4) Cloud Run (us-east1) Cloud Run (europe-west6) Cloud Run (asia-east2) Cloud Run (europe-central2) Cloud Run (us-central1) Cloud Run (us-west3) Google Cloud Networking (us-east5) Google Cloud Networking (us-south1) Cloud Run (australia-southeast1) Cloud Run (australia-southeast2) Cloud Run (europe-west1) Cloud Run (europe-west12) Cloud Run (me-central2) Cloud Run (northamerica-northeast2) Cloud Run (us-west1) Cloud Run (europe-west2) Cloud Run (asia-northeast1) Cloud Run (us-west2) Cloud Run (asia-east1) Cloud Run (me-central1) Cloud Run (europe-west8) Cloud Run (europe-west4) Cloud Run (europe-west9) Cloud Run (europe-southwest1) Cloud Run Cloud Run (europe-west3) Cloud Run (asia-south1) Batch (asia-east1) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west9) Batch (europe-north1) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-northeast2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-west8) Google Cloud SQL (asia-southeast1) Batch (europe-west1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-east1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (us-east1) Batch (asia-northeast1) Google Cloud SQL (australia-southeast1) Batch (europe-west2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-west6) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-south1) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west8) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (us-central1) Google Cloud SQL (us-west3) Google Cloud SQL (asia-east2) Google Cloud SQL (us-south1) Google Cloud SQL (southamerica-east1) Batch (europe-west4) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (me-central1) Batch (europe-west6) Google Cloud SQL (northamerica-northeast1) Batch (europe-west3) Batch (asia-northeast3) Batch (europe-west9) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west10) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-north1) Google Cloud SQL (northamerica-northeast2) Batch (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west12) Batch (europe-central2) Google Cloud SQL (australia-southeast2) Batch (us-west3) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-west12) Google Cloud SQL (me-central1) Batch (us-east1) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west3) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west4) Batch (asia-southeast1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-central2) Google Cloud SQL (us-west1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-east2) Batch (australia-southeast1) Google Cloud SQL (me-central2) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-southeast2) Batch (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud SQL (us-east4) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL Google Cloud SQL (us-east5) Google Cloud SQL (us-central1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (us-west1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-west3) Batch (asia-east2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (us-west3) Google Cloud SQL (europe-central2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-west2) Google Cloud SQL (europe-southwest1) Google Cloud SQL (us-east1) Google Cloud SQL (europe-west6) Google Cloud SQL (asia-south1) Batch (us-west2) Batch (us-west4) Google Compute Engine Google Compute Engine (us-east4) Google Compute Engine (asia-northeast1) Google Compute Engine (us-west2) Google Compute Engine (asia-southeast1) Google Compute Engine (us-central1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west9) Google Compute Engine (europe-north1) Google Compute Engine (asia-southeast2) Google Compute Engine (europe-west10) Contact Center AI Platform (us-west1) Google Compute Engine (asia-south2) Contact Center AI Platform (europe-west2) Google Compute Engine (europe-southwest1) Google Compute Engine (northamerica-northeast2) Google Compute Engine (northamerica-northeast1) Google Compute Engine (asia-northeast2) Google Compute Engine (asia-east1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west3) Contact Center AI Platform (southamerica-east1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west4) Google Compute Engine (southamerica-west1) Google Compute Engine (europe-central2) Contact Center AI Platform (europe-west4) Contact Center AI Platform (asia-northeast1) Contact Center AI Platform (australia-southeast1) Google Compute Engine (me-west1) Google Compute Engine (me-central2) Contact Center AI Platform (asia-south1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west1) Contact Center AI Platform (asia-southeast1) Google Compute Engine (asia-east2) Contact Center AI Platform (asia-northeast3) Google Compute Engine (me-central1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west6) Google Compute Engine (australia-southeast2) Contact Center AI Platform (northamerica-northeast1) Google Compute Engine (us-west4) Google Compute Engine (us-west3) Google Compute Engine (asia-northeast3) Google Compute Engine (europe-west12) Google Compute Engine (southamerica-east1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west2) Google Compute Engine (us-east5) Contact Center AI Platform (europe-west3) Google Compute Engine (us-east1) Contact Center AI Platform Contact Center AI Platform (europe-west1) Google Compute Engine (us-west1) Google Compute Engine (us-south1) Contact Center AI Platform (us-east1) Google Compute Engine (australia-southeast1) Contact Center AI Platform (us-central1) Google Compute Engine (europe-west8) Google Compute Engine (asia-south1) Cloud NAT (southamerica-east1) Hybrid Connectivity (us-east1) Hybrid Connectivity (us-west1) Cloud NAT (us-west4) Hybrid Connectivity (us-east4) Cloud NAT (asia-east1) Cloud NAT (us-west3) Hybrid Connectivity (asia-south1) Cloud NAT (australia-southeast2) Hybrid Connectivity (us-west4) Cloud NAT (us-central1) Cloud NAT (asia-southeast1) Cloud Memorystore (asia-south2) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west3) Cloud Memorystore (australia-southeast2) Cloud Memorystore (asia-northeast3) Cloud Memorystore (us-east4) Cloud Memorystore (asia-northeast1) Cloud Memorystore (us-central1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west2) Cloud Memorystore (me-west1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west1) Cloud Memorystore (me-central2) Cloud Memorystore (australia-southeast1) Cloud Memorystore (us-south1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west8) Cloud Memorystore (us-west4) Cloud Memorystore (asia-east2) Cloud Memorystore (europe-north1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west4) Cloud Memorystore (southamerica-west1) Cloud Memorystore (northamerica-northeast1) Cloud Memorystore (us-east5) Cloud Memorystore (europe-southwest1) Cloud Memorystore (asia-south1) Cloud Memorystore (asia-east1) Cloud Memorystore (asia-southeast2) Cloud Memorystore (us-west2) Cloud Memorystore (us-east1) Cloud Memorystore (southamerica-east1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west9) Cloud Memorystore (northamerica-northeast2) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west6) Cloud Memorystore (asia-northeast2) Cloud Memorystore (asia-southeast1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-central2) Cloud Memorystore (us-west1) Cloud Memorystore (europe-west12) Cloud Memorystore (us-west3) Cloud Memorystore Cloud Build (europe-central2) Google Cloud Dataproc (me-central1) Cloud Build (asia-east2) Cloud Workstations Cloud Workstations (us-east1) Cloud Build (europe-west8) Cloud Build (us-west1) Cloud Build (europe-west6) Backup and DR (europe-west4) Google Cloud Dataproc (me-west1) Dataproc Metastore (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-west2) Google Cloud Dataproc (australia-southeast2) Cloud Workstations (europe-west2) Backup and DR (asia-southeast1) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-southeast1) Cloud Build (australia-southeast1) Cloud Workstations (australia-southeast1) Backup and DR (us-west4) Google Cloud Dataproc (southamerica-east1) Google Cloud Dataproc (northamerica-northeast2) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-southeast2) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-north1) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west6) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-southwest1) Google Cloud Dataproc (asia-northeast3) Cloud Build (asia-east1) Google Cloud Deploy (us-east4) Dataproc Metastore (us-west1) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-west4) Cloud Workstations (us-east4) Google Cloud Dataproc (europe-west4) Cloud Workstations (asia-south1) Google Cloud Infrastructure Components Cloud Build (us-east1) Backup and DR Cloud Workstations (me-west1) Google Cloud Deploy (europe-central2) Operations Cloud Machine Learning Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west2) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-northeast1) Cloud Load Balancing (global) Cloud Load Balancing (australia-southeast2) Cloud Filestore (asia-northeast1) Cloud Filestore (europe-west4) Google Kubernetes Engine (southamerica-west1) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-central2) Google Cloud Dataflow (us-west1) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west1) Cloud Filestore (asia-northeast2) Firebase Test Lab (global) Cloud Load Balancing (northamerica-northeast1) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-northeast3) Cloud Filestore (asia-south1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-central2) Google Kubernetes Engine (southamerica-east1) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west1) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-southwest1) Google Cloud Dataflow (northamerica-northeast2) Cloud Filestore (us-east1) Cloud Load Balancing (us-east1) Cloud Filestore (us-west4) Cloud Load Balancing (asia-southeast2) Cloud Filestore (europe-west2) Cloud Load Balancing (northamerica-northeast2) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-central1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west9) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-west3) Cloud Filestore (europe-central2) Google Kubernetes Engine (australia-southeast2) Cloud Filestore (asia-east1) Cloud Load Balancing (us-west2) Cloud Filestore (asia-northeast3) Google Cloud Dataflow (southamerica-east1) Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) (global) Cloud Filestore (asia-east2) Google Cloud Dataflow (asia-south1) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-west2) Cloud Filestore (europe-north1) Google Kubernetes Engine (europe-west4) Cloud Load Balancing Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-east2) Google Cloud Dataflow (australia-southeast2) Google Kubernetes Engine (northamerica-northeast2) Cloud Load Balancing (southamerica-west1) Cloud Load Balancing (us-central1) Google Cloud Dataflow (europe-west2) Cloud Load Balancing (europe-west10) Google Kubernetes Engine (asia-south1) Cloud Load Balancing (me-central2) Google Kubernetes Engine (us-east5) Cloud Load Balancing (us-west1) Cloud Filestore Apigee (australia-southeast1) Apigee (us-south1) Apigee (southamerica-west1) Apigee (us-east4) Apigee (us-west4) Apigee (asia-south1) Apigee (me-west1) Apigee (asia-east2) Apigee (europe-west4) Apigee (us-west1) Google Cloud SQL (asia-northeast2) Google Cloud SQL (europe-north1) Google Cloud SQL (asia-northeast3) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (us-east4) Batch (us-east4) Batch (us-central1) Google Cloud SQL (asia-southeast2) Batch (us-west1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-southeast1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (europe-west1) Google Cloud SQL (us-west4) Google Cloud SQL (asia-northeast1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (us-west4) Google Cloud SQL Batch (southamerica-west1) Google Cloud SQL (southamerica-west1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (australia-southeast2) Google Cloud SQL (asia-south2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-northeast1) Google Cloud SQL (asia-east1) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (australia-southeast1) Google Cloud SQL (us-west2) AlloyDB for PostgreSQL (asia-northeast3) Batch Google Cloud SQL (me-west1) Batch (asia-south1) Batch (us-south1)

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