Outage in Jobber

Email Deliverability Issues

Resolved Minor
April 15, 2024 - Started 11 months ago - Lasted 7 days
Official incident page

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Outage Details

Our team has received reports that users using AOL/Yahoo email servers (including ATT, Verizon and Rogers) are facing deliverability errors. We are actively monitoring the situation while we work with our partners to ensure a resolution. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Components affected
Jobber Email Servers
Latest Updates ( sorted recent to last )
RESOLVED 11 months ago - at 04/22/2024 09:21PM

We have fully investigated, and are no longer experiencing email deliverability issues. Our Engineering team is actively discussing how to prevent future disruptions similar to this one.

If you continue to experience issues with your email please reach out to support@getjobber.com.

Thank you for your patience as we resolved this issue!

MONITORING 11 months ago - at 04/18/2024 03:43PM

We have identified and addressed the problem and are working towards ensuring AOL/Yahoo is aware that we’ve solved the problem.

Although there might be still some users affected, we are seeing improvements in emails being delivered.

This issue has not impacted the security of Jobber’s systems or your data. Learn more about Security at Jobber - https://getjobber.com/security/

We are actively monitoring the situation while we work with our partners to ensure a full resolution. We greatly appreciate your patience and will update you as soon as the issue has been resolved.

INVESTIGATING 11 months ago - at 04/15/2024 02:15PM

Our team has received reports that users using AOL/Yahoo email servers (including ATT, Verizon and Rogers) are facing deliverability errors. We are actively monitoring the situation while we work with our partners to ensure a resolution. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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