Lemonway vs. Recurly

Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Lemonway and Recurly

Every service has different practices when updating its status page, so compare these stats with a grain of salt. E.g., one service can be more aggressive when updating its status page than other so that they will have more incidents, but it doesn't mean it is worse than the other.


Lemonway current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Lower performance on payment acceptance rate

Following platform migration (December 15th at 7:40am CET), performance has not reached prior standards yet. We observe lower performance impacting payment acceptance rate. Tech team is working clo...

Resolved Webkit Incident Identified

From 8:38PM CET an error occurred and led to unavailability of webkit. Our Team is working hard to get things back up and running. We appreciate your patience and we will update you as soon as pos...

Resolved Crediting Delay Identified

We are currently facing an issue impacting our crediting processes. As a result, you might experience a delay regarding : - Incoming transfers - SDD - Checks - Chargebacks We are really sorry fo...


Recurly current official status is Operational


Incidents in the last 7 days
Incidents in the last 30 days
Incidents in the last 90 days

Latest incidents

Resolved Pre-renewal Webhooks

We have identified an issue impacting pre-renewal webhook notification. Pre-renewal emails are sending normally.

Resolved Errors previewing invoice refunds for some merchants

We are investigating errors when previewing invoice refunds for some merchants

Resolved Revenue Recognition standard edition analytics delayed

Revenue Recognition standard edition analytics is experiencing a delay in processing. We have identified the issue and are working towards resolution.

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