Compare the status, incidents stats and history between New Relic and BlazeMeter
We are investigating a potential service interruption that may impact some customers. Please continue to monitor this page for updates.
We are investigating a potential service interruption that may impact some customers. Please continue to monitor this page for updates.
Some customers in the EU region may intermittently experience delayed alert notifications. Data ingest is not impacted at this time.
We are experiencing performance issues with the Service Virtualization and the BlazeMeter UI. We are aware of the problem and are working to resolve the issue at this time.
We are aware of a slowdown in API Monitoring Test Execution and this is being looked into by the engineering team.
The Jmeter plugin repository service is offline/unavailable, which will cause issues with tests relying on the plugin server. We recommend users upload any required plugins (JARs) to the test to av...
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