Compare the status, incidents stats and history between Pipedrive and HubSpot
We identified an issue to be affecting a portion of our users where they might experience issues with subscribing, modifying, update details on billing page or viewing some of billing pages due to ...
Issues with Microsoft services might be impacting functionality of Email and Calendar sync
We have detected some issues with our systems which might cause inconsistencies in the search result. Our teams are already working on a fix.
We're investigating reports that HubSpot may be unavailable for some users. We'll update this page when we have more information.
We've identified the cause of the Roll-up Properties being delayed up to 6 hours for EU customers since 8:29 AM EST (UTC -05:00) on Dec 2, 2024. These delays may impact tools such as reports, email...
We are experiencing a system-wide performance degradation that is primarily impacting search, indexing, exports, and data synchronization of CRM records, resulting in a 1% error rate. While most o...
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