Outage in Azure

Datacenter Cooling Event - Southeast Asia - Extended Mitigation

Resolved Minor
February 07, 2023 - Started about 2 years ago - Lasted 1 day

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Outage Details

Impact Statement:Starting around 20:19 UTC on 7 February 2023, a utility power surge in the Southeast Asia region tripped a subset of cooling units offline in one of the Availability Zones. While working to restore the cooling units, temperatures in the datacenter increased and we have proactively powered down a small subset of compute and storage units to avoid damage to hardware and reduce cooling system load.All impacted storage and compute scale units are in the same datacenter, within one of the region’s three Availability Zones (AZs). Multiple downstream services have been identified as impacted. Current Status – 03:30 UTCWe are continuing to focus our efforts on mitigation for services which were impacted due to this incident. The core storage and compute services restoration have been completed successfully.We have several other key services fully recovered and for some of which we are still working on post recovery checks. We are closely monitoring the datacenter metrics for storage and compute resources which continue to show healthy thresholds.We will continue to provide updates as we have further progress towards service restoration. We will share our next update in 2 hours or as events warrant.
Components affected
Southeast Asia - Azure Cognitive Search Southeast Asia - Azure Data Explorer Southeast Asia *Non-Regional - Universal Print *Non-Regional - Microsoft Azure portal *Non-Regional East Asia - Azure Data Explorer Australia East - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Australia East - Azure Data Explorer Australia East - Azure Cognitive Search East Asia - Azure Databricks Australia East Australia East - Azure functions Australia East - Azure Container Apps Southeast Asia - Azure Databricks Australia East - Azure Databricks East Asia - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) East Asia - Azure Container Apps East Asia - Azure functions East Asia - Azure Cognitive Search East Asia Australia East - Microsoft Purview Southeast Asia - Azure Container Service Southeast Asia - Network Watcher Southeast Asia - Notification Hubs East Asia - HDInsight Australia East - Application Insights Australia East - Azure SignalR Service Australia East - Azure web PubSub East Asia - Application Insights Southeast Asia - Azure SignalR Service Southeast Asia - Azure web PubSub Southeast Asia - HDInsight Southeast Asia - Application Insights Australia East - Azure SQL Database East Asia - Azure SQL Database Southeast Asia - Azure SQL Database East Asia - Network Watcher Australia East - Notification Hubs Australia East - Azure Container Service Australia East - Network Watcher Australia East - HDInsight East Asia - Azure SignalR Service East Asia - Azure web PubSub East Asia - Notification Hubs East Asia - Azure Container Service Australia East - Key Vault East Asia - Key Vault Southeast Asia - Key Vault *Non-Regional - Key Vault Southeast Asia - Azure Cache for Redis East Asia - Azure Cache for Redis Australia East - Azure Cache for Redis Southeast Asia - API Management East Asia - Azure Firewall Southeast Asia - Azure Firewall Australia East - API Management Australia East - Azure Firewall East Asia - API Management Southeast Asia - QnA Maker East Asia - QnA Maker Australia East - QnA Maker Southeast Asia - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Southeast Asia - Microsoft Purview Southeast Asia - Azure functions

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