Outage in Dynatrace

Increased response times for DQL Queries

Resolved Minor
July 11, 2024 - Started 8 months ago - Lasted about 5 hours

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Outage Details

SaaS customers may be experiencing increased response time or may encounter errors when running DQL queries. Our team is actively investigating this issue and will provide updates as we progress with our investigation.
Components affected
Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 84 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 22 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 54 in US East Virginia Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 8 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 50 in US East Virginia Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 5 in Canada Central Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 71 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 10 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 73 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 62 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 19 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 21 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 3 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 32 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 81 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 63 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 16 in US West Oregon Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 72 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 44 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 78 in APAC Southeast Singapore Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 45 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 26 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 9 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 57 in US East Virginia Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 4 in US West 3 Arizona Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 68 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 48 in US East Virginia Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 9 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 51 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 83 in US West Oregon Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 2 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 70 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 1 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 61 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 41 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 31 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 7 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 0 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 4 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 18 in US West Oregon Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 64 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 52 in APAC Southeast Sydney Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 38 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 42 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 39 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 79 in EU Central Frankfurt Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 13 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 3 in West Europe Netherlands Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 11 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 47 in EU West London Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 30 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 34 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace Azure - Cluster 1 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 28 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 77 in EU West London Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 15 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 17 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 12 in APAC Southeast Sydney Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 20 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 87 in AP Northeast Tokyo Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 56 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 67 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 25 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 59 in US West Oregon Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 5 in APAC Southeast Sydney Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 14 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 60 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 36 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 65 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 35 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 23 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 85 in AP South Mumbai Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 80 in APAC Southeast Sydney Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 49 in EU Central Frankfurt Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 75 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 40 in APAC Southeast Sydney Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 82 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 29 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace Sso.dynatrace.com Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 8 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 33 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 27 in APAC Southeast Sydney Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 2 in US West Oregon Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 76 in EU West London Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 24 in US West Oregon Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 74 in SA East São Paulo Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 43 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 37 in US West Oregon Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 6 in US East Virginia Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 58 in EU West Ireland Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 46 in EU Central Frankfurt Dynatrace AWS - Cluster 53 in US East Virginia
Latest Updates ( sorted recent to last )
8 months ago - at 07/11/2024 04:25PM

SaaS customers may be experiencing increased response time or may encounter errors when running DQL queries. Our team is actively investigating this issue and will provide updates as we progress with our investigation.

8 months ago - at 07/11/2024 07:12PM

We are currently in the process of mitigating the issue that has been affecting the performance of DQL queries. We appreciate your patience as we continue to work on this and will provide updates on our progress.

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