Understanding Internal Status Pages

Updated at Jan 31, 2024. Published at Nov 11, 2023.
Understanding Internal Status Pages

The Need for Internal Status Pages

In today's fast-paced business environment, it's crucial for companies to monitor and address system health issues immediately. Internal status pages are tools designed for this purpose. They display up-to-date information about the company's internal and external systems and services, proving valuable not only for IT professionals but also for the overall efficiency and response capacity of a business.

The main function of an internal status page is to provide clear insights within a company. It lets teams monitor how well different systems are working, identify ongoing problems, and keep an eye on how these issues are being resolved. Having this information in real time helps teams fix problems quickly, reducing the time systems are down and saving costs. These pages also improve communication within the company, as everyone can rely on a single source for updates, especially critical in situations where continuous operation is key.

Public vs. Internal Status Pages

Public status pages are meant for customers, informing them about service issues, maintenance, or disruptions. This openness helps maintain customer trust.

On the other hand, internal status pages are for employees, especially those in IT, development, and operations. These pages track the performance of internal systems like servers, network, and applications, along with external services. They contain detailed technical data and are not available to the public.

Useful for All Teams, Not Just IT

Internal status pages are beneficial for various departments:

  • IT Teams: They use these pages for monitoring network and server health, software updates, and security issues, enabling quick responses to maintain robust and secure IT infrastructure.

  • Customer Support Teams: Access to current system status helps them provide accurate customer service and reduces queries during downtimes.

  • Development Teams: They track the performance and stability of new features or updates for quick improvements and bug fixes.

  • Executive Teams: A broader view of system health aids in strategic decisions and resource planning.

How IsDown Enhances Internal Status Pages

IsDown is a tool that improves the effectiveness of internal status pages. It collects status updates from various cloud services, offering a complete view of external services essential for business operations. This is especially useful for companies using multiple cloud services.

IsDown integrates well with communication tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, PagerDuty, and Datadog, ensuring fast sharing of updates and alerts across a company. It also allows teams to create custom internal status pages with personalized alerts, catering to their specific needs.

Moreover, IsDown helps reduce alert fatigue by enabling teams to focus on critical services and avoid unnecessary notifications.


Internal status pages are vital for efficient business operations, allowing for quick identification and response to technical issues. IsDown enhances these pages by offering user-friendly monitoring, customizable alerts, and integration with other business tools, making it an invaluable asset in the fast-moving business world.

Nuno Tomas Founder of IsDown
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