Need to monitor Bitso outages?
Stay on top of outages with IsDown. Monitor the official status pages of all your vendors, SaaS, and tools, including Bitso, and never miss an outage again.
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This incident has been resolved.
A fix has been implemented, and we are monitoring the results.
Se ha implementado una solución y estamos monitoreando los resultados.
Uma correção foi implementada e estamos monitorando os resultados.
The XRP mainnet is currently facing issues and has halted at block 93927173. This is a global issue affecting deposits and withdrawals for all users.
We will be disabling deposits and withdrawals until the issue is resolved.
Rest assured, your funds remain secure.
La red principal de XRP está experimentando problemas y se ha detenido en el bloque 93,927,173, impidiéndote enviar o recibir XRP. Este es un problema global que afecta a todos los usuarios.
Deshabilitaremos los depósitos y retiros hasta que el problema se resuelva.
Ten la seguridad de que tus fondos permanecerán seguros.
A rede principal do XRP está enfrentando problemas e foi interrompida no bloco 93.927.173, impedindo você de enviar ou receber XRP. Este é um problema global que afeta todos os usuários.
Desativaremos depósitos e saques até que o problema seja resolvido.
Fique tranquilo, seus fundos continuam seguros.
We are currently experiencing issues with XRP transactions. Our engineering team is already investigating and working to restore the service as soon as possible.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.
With IsDown, you can monitor all your critical services' official status pages from one centralized dashboard and receive instant alerts the moment an outage is detected. Say goodbye to constantly checking multiple sites for updates and stay ahead of outages with IsDown.
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