Need to monitor Wisely outages?
Stay on top of outages with IsDown. Monitor the official status pages of all your vendors, SaaS, and tools, including Wisely, and never miss an outage again.
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All email campaigns / templates issues are now resolved.
A fix has been implemented by our partner and we are monitoring the results.
We’ve identifier an ongoing issue with one of our partners used for our email campaigns.
We are seeing less errors at this time, but still investigating.
Olo | Engage is currently experiencing an intermittent interruption in service and some users are unable to save or edit email campaigns. Our Engineers are currently investigating and we will continue to provide frequent updates until resolved.
With IsDown, you can monitor all your critical services' official status pages from one centralized dashboard and receive instant alerts the moment an outage is detected. Say goodbye to constantly checking multiple sites for updates and stay ahead of outages with IsDown.
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