7 Days to Die is operational
Updated a few minutes ago
Monitoring since
January 2023
Total Incidents in 2025
0 incidents
This chart displays the number of user-reported issues over the past 24 hours, grouped into 20-minute intervals. It's normal to see occasional reports, which may be due to individual user issues rather than a broader problem. We only consider an issue widespread if there are multiple reports within a short timeframe.
about 2 hours agoCant go online and cant play to play with friends
about 3 hours agoonline servers aren't loading "EOS" error message
about 3 hours agoa PS5 cant conect to my game says eos failed to search
about 3 hours agoIt’s saying failed to search eos servers
about 3 hours agoFailed to search EOS servers
about 3 hours agoEOS failed can't join games
about 3 hours agoI can't join any server, it says failed to search eos servers. (I'm on my ps5)
about 3 hours agoFailed to connect to EOS Servers
about 3 hours agoFailed to search EOS servers
about 3 hours agoEOS connectivity issues. I can’t join any multiplayer server. Kind of sucks having to pay for the same game twice and then still can’t even play with friends
about 3 hours agoFailed to search EOS Servers
about 4 hours ago3 friends and I can't connect to eos servers.
about 4 hours agoFailed to search EOS servers
about 4 hours agoSearch Error failed to search EOS servers
about 4 hours agofailed to reach EoS servers
about 4 hours agoFailed to search EOS server
about 4 hours agoFailed to search EOS servers
8 days agoIt says I can't connect to the servers when I try to login
10 days agoOnline ain't working for me or friends
10 days agoI'm failing to connect to eos server
10 days agoFailed to search EOS servers
10 days agoCant invite friends on xbox
10 days agoCan't invite friend to game.
10 days agoI cant invite my xbox friends in my game. I play on xbox series X.
10 days agoFailed to search EOS servers
10 days agoCan’t connect to my friends game just keeps saying “ receive game invite..” and keeps loading but won’t let me join
10 days agoFailed to search EOS error
10 days agoGame server down boss man
10 days agoMe and my husband play cross platform. On the PlayStation it lets him load the game but on my pc it is giving me an EOS error and can’t look up any server.
10 days agoNot able to join multiplayer games, not able to find any servers either
10 days agoMultiplayer is down. No changes to profile or server, server is accessible, but option to invite is greyed. Multiple resets performed.
10 days agoThe online isn't working which is a shame since I've just bought and downloaded the game for that reason and now I feel ripped off.
10 days agoCan’t connect to multilayer game
10 days agoCan’t play online with friends EOS code
10 days agoi cant login to multiplayer games. i'm getting eos server login error
10 days agoWhen try to search for servers, its says Failed to search for servers EOS
10 days agoServer seems to be down. Invite button is greyed out. Can't view server lists
13 days agoCould not fully initialize epic online services: not able to get login ticket from my platform.
14 days agoCan't get past the building environment screen. Rebooted modem and router. Tried 3 times. Stuck on loading screen.
26 days agoLoad up any world (online or offline) and it crashes right when I load into it.
about 1 month agoNot loading when it trying to load the world.
about 1 month agoIt seems all my saves have been deleted..the continue button on my home screen is grayed out and I can't go to my game saves.
about 1 month agoServer connection failed. Unable to retrieve the server ID. We restarted the server a few times and still cannot connect.
3 months agoScreen is black after starting the game. Just seems to not load after first screen
4 months agoIt keeps saying lost connection to server I’ve already uninstalled and reinstalled and it still won’t work
4 months agoNot able to connect with friends online it times out with and error
4 months agoMy friends and I cannot join each other, or other online games. Started today. Worked fine last night…
4 months agoEu friends can no longer join my NA server
4 months agoHaving an issue connecting to friends server getting message. Network server
4 months agoSaying cannot connect to servers
5 months agoCan't load into my friend's servers
5 months agoCan't play online with friend. He cannot join my server
5 months agoCannot connect to Epic online services from steam
5 months agoCant inv friends into world. It just pops up with something went wrong.
IsDown has tracked 2 incidents since started monitoring 7 Days to Die status in January 2023.
about 4 hours ago · lasted about 2 hours
Multiple users reported inability to find, search, or reach EOS servers, suggesting a significant server connectivity or network issue. More details
10 days ago · lasted about 2 hours
Users facing server connection issues and EOS errors, disrupting multiplayer games and server searches. More details
We've tracked and collected 2 incidents since started monitoring 7 Days to Die status
Number of Incidents
0 issues
Last incident
0 days ago
7 Days to Die isn't down. You can check 7 Days to Die status and incident details on the top of the page. IsDown continuously monitors 7 Days to Die official status page every few minutes. In the last 24 hours, there were 1 outages reported.
7 Days to Die is currently operational. You can check 7 Days to Die status and incident details on the top of the page. The status is updated in almost real-time, and you can see the latest outages and issues affecting customers.
No, there is no ongoing official outage. Check on the top of the page if there are any reported problems by other users.
Currently there's no report of 7 Days to Die being slow. Check on the top of the page if there are any reported problems by other users.
IsDown monitors the 7 Days to Die official status page every few minutes. We also get reports from users like you. If there are enough reports about an outage, we'll show it on the top of the page.
We don't have a record of 7 Days to Die last outage
IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.