Is Apple Music Down? What is the current status?

Apple Music status is operational
IsDown gathers data for Apple status from official sources and user reports.
Apple Music not working for you?
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Apple Music issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about Apple Music problems

  • K
    2 days ago

    Ky Downloaded music not playing

  • J
    2 days ago

    Joe Most of my music is gone

  • J
    4 days ago

    Jessa Is not going to the next song

  • K
    6 days ago

    Kellen Operation could not be performed An unknown error occurred (1852797029)

  • O
    7 days ago

    olivia my music is not playing, ive refreshed the app and restarted my phone but it still wont play.

  • T
    7 days ago

    Thomas Music not streaming or playing (local)

  • B
    8 days ago

    Bel Playlist not playing. Music is not streaming

  • J
    10 days ago

    James FUSE.Error.TryAgain error when loading artists or playlists.

  • S
    17 days ago

    Shae It’ll work fine and then it’ll randomly start skipping thru all my songs in my iPad and refuse to play my queue

  • J
    17 days ago

    Joe There is no Apple News or Apple Music

  • K
    17 days ago

    Kayla It won’t play any of my music an my account is active

  • G
    17 days ago

    Gill Songs will only play for a few seconds then stop. Connection is good. Problem happens on mobile data and WiFi. Have logged out and back in to apple music. Have uninstalled and reinstalled apple ...

  • C
    22 days ago

    Chloe I can’t play certain music

  • A
    23 days ago

    Amit Music apps shuts down after few seconds of playing a song, it works for few seconds after restarting my phone and shuts down again

  • M
    29 days ago

    Myron My apple music app is nit playing music.

  • B
    about 1 month ago

    Beth Random recently played songs ‘not available in (my) region’ despite rest of album being, and when trying to play from artists profile ‘check apple music account current error’. Restarted phone now ...

  • J
    about 1 month ago

    Jayne My music has since yesterday disappeared off my iPhone & will not play in the car anymore . Is there something going on with Apple Music

  • S
    about 1 month ago

    Sebastian I can’t use my Apple Music I play my music and it pauses by it self and I deleted it and now I can’t use sync

  • C
    about 1 month ago

    Connie One of the songs I’ve had on my playlist for a year all of a sudden won’t play and says “This content is not authorized”.

  • H
    about 2 months ago

    Hewitt Unknown Error Code (1852797029)

  • G
    about 2 months ago

    Gary iCloud has been loading for about an hour now is there a problem

  • B
    about 2 months ago

    Basil The app can’t load anything and keeps saying try again. Nothing loads at all no matter what I do.

  • L
    about 2 months ago

    Linden Can't play any music from desktop. Songs in a playlist skip right away

  • G
    about 2 months ago

    G “Host server cannot be found”

  • J
    about 2 months ago

    John A server with specified host name could not be found

  • S
    about 2 months ago

    Sophie Every time I try to use the karaoke button it doesn’t work and starts rapidly skipping through the songs.

  • J
    2 months ago

    Jay genius results can't be updated 4007

  • S
    2 months ago

    Steve I can get into the app and I can search for a song or browse, but when I select something to play nothing happens. I can go into my library and nothing will play from that either. The volume is up ...

  • N
    2 months ago

    Nicolette Most of my songs not playing

  • T
    2 months ago

    Tyler It’s saying I didn’t pay and the automated payment thing did not work

  • K
    2 months ago

    Kendra My music won’t play since yesterday Spotify works fine

  • T
    2 months ago

    Trevor Long load of all songs, but my internet is very good. all other apps works great

  • S
    2 months ago

    Shea I can navigate, but can't play music. Not even songs I have downloaded to my device.

  • C
    2 months ago

    Chris It keeps saying all music cannot open and are all unauthorized.

  • F
    2 months ago

    fraser apple music is saying I don't have a subscription even though I do and wont let me access my library

  • A
    2 months ago

    Alyssa No music will play it keeps pausing even downloaded music.

  • R
    2 months ago

    Roxie Not letting me listen to music

  • M
    2 months ago

    Michael Can't logging into my account

  • W
    2 months ago

    William I can’t seem to verify my apple music student plan.

  • E
    2 months ago

    Eugene Streaming music is toooo slow

  • R
    3 months ago

    Rudraksh I cant listen to songs its just loading

  • E
    3 months ago

    em the app signed me out of my acocunt for no reason and now i cant login anymore

  • I
    3 months ago

    Isaac Songs not playing, working fine on Spotify ios

  • S
    3 months ago

    Shaine Tracks not loading. All other streaming services working fine.

  • A
    3 months ago

    Adrian It didn’t show my friend from my contact list they were totally disappeared but their own Apple Music account are still functioning

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jakes Apple Music doesn’t play on my iPhone buh plays on my laptop which is signed to my iCloud

  • J
    4 months ago

    J 4 years of music and playlists are gone

  • S
    4 months ago

    Sergio Music just keeps loading.

  • R
    4 months ago

    Raj My apple music APP on my PC is not booting up. Earlier, It booted but wasn't able to connect to the servers. Now, it's just not poping.

  • M
    4 months ago

    Mark Login does not recognize valid credentials.

  • D
    4 months ago

    D cannot login and errors out on Home screen

  • Χ
    4 months ago

    Χρήστος I can’t open the app it says there is an error but I can’t understand why though.

  • S
    4 months ago

    stacy cant view my account just says loading

  • M
    4 months ago

    M Not playing songs over streaming

  • F
    4 months ago

    Fifo Music randomly stop while using Sing and songs take forever to load

  • S
    5 months ago

    Scott Apple Music search is down.

  • B
    5 months ago

    braylon apple music won’t play some songs and can’t view lyrics on anything.

  • S
    6 months ago

    Sara I can’t search - it just says “loading”

  • S
    6 months ago

    Samuel Cant search music on Apple Music. Can only access playlists

  • J
    6 months ago

    Jane Search not working. My library still seems to be there Apple TV also down

No active incidents reported in Apple's status page

Apple Music outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

0 issues

Last incident

57 days ago

Apple Music outage history

Outage in App Store, Apple Arcade, Apple Books, Apple Fitness+, Apple Music, Apple Music Subscrip...

Major Resolved

April 03, 2024 · lasted about 1 hour

Users may be unable to sign in. - Some users are affected

Outage in Apple Music, iTunes Store

Minor Resolved

February 28, 2024 · lasted about 1 hour

Users are experiencing a problem with this service. We are investigating and will update the status as more information becomes available. - 0.5% of users are affected

Outage in Apple Music, iTunes Store

Major Resolved

January 29, 2024 · lasted 14 minutes

Users may be experiencing intermittent issues with this service. - Some users are affected

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Apple Music down today?

Apple is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Apple status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Apple Music outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last Apple Music outage?

Apple Music last outage was on April 03, 2024 with the title "Outage in App Store, Apple Arcade, Apple Books, Apple Fitness+, Apple Music, Apple Music Subscriptions, Apple Music radio, Apple Sports, Apple TV Channels, Apple TV+, Audiobooks, Mac App Store, Podcasts, Subscription Purchase"

Apple not working for you? How do I know if Apple is down?
How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.