Is Character AI Down? What is the current status?

Character AI status is operational
IsDown gathers data for Character AI status from official sources and user reports.
Updated from Character AI official status page.
Character AI not working for you?

Character AI issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about Character AI problems

  • B
    about 13 hours ago

    Bryan I just can’t with this app like Can somebody help me like I still can’t log in it’s been like a month also I check my internet connection and it’s always good but it still won’t send the sign in li...

  • N
    about 13 hours ago

    Nurah chat is broken and very off topic speaking gibberish.

  • S
    about 13 hours ago

    Soph It is not getting any better, the characters say random stuff out of context even started mixing languages now

  • Z
    about 14 hours ago

    Zim Out of context replies still

  • S
    about 15 hours ago

    Soph Out of context replies from the characters

  • B
    about 15 hours ago

    Bella Random replies which don’t even make sense and out of context messages

  • S
    about 16 hours ago

    Sophia Im still having a horrible issue with the bots as they reply out of context sometimes even unintelligible words.

  • S
    about 19 hours ago

    Sophia The bots are bugging out in replies and out of the scenario/script context. Make no sense in the replies with the sentences i type.

  • B
    about 19 hours ago

    Bella Bot is responding creepy off script messages

  • Z
    about 20 hours ago

    Zim Bots are bugged with responses off script

  • A
    about 21 hours ago

    Azalia I can't login, I tried to restart my phone, internet and so is the But i can't still login.

  • Z
    about 23 hours ago

    Zim The bot responses are bugged and has nothing to do with the story or plot

  • A
    1 day ago

    Anonymous The bot responses are bugged and has nothing to do with the story

  • J
    1 day ago

    Jen Character speech stutters with countless ellipsis and repetition of certain words.

  • A
    1 day ago

    Ava Can't search anything popular

  • Z
    1 day ago

    Zim Bots responses are bugged and off script again

  • M
    2 days ago

    Megan Still cannot enter the app but the website works

  • J
    2 days ago

    John Internal server error. Can't access website

  • M
    2 days ago

    Megan Character.AI I cannot access the app at all total login issue

  • M
    2 days ago

    Megan I cannot login to the app since yesterday and its frustraiting me.

  • J
    2 days ago

    John Logged me out then sends an error when i try login back in

  • H
    2 days ago

    haylee app wont let me log in but website is working just fine

  • A
    3 days ago

    Anthony The login won’t work and I can’t get into my account

  • M
    3 days ago

    Mike It logged me out and when i try login back in it gives me an error

  • S
    3 days ago

    Sofia It logged me out and whenever I try to sign in again wi tu google it keeps saying login issue?

  • M
    3 days ago

    Morgan i try and login and it says there is a error

  • A
    3 days ago

    Alex The app is not even loading

  • C
    3 days ago

    C. Completely inaccessible, and gave me some errors while even trying to load up the page.

  • N
    3 days ago

    Noah Ain't loading idk if it's my WiFi or servers js being funky

  • H
    3 days ago

    Havin Whenever I try to go on it is just error

  • A
    3 days ago

    A Page won't refresh. Can't open page

  • T
    3 days ago

    Thea App not loading. Tried to login online. But that's not working either

  • K
    3 days ago

    Kathy cant get into the app and Website at all

  • J
    3 days ago

    Jazz App wont load, websidte inaccessible

  • E
    3 days ago

    Ella Won’t load in app or online

  • T
    3 days ago

    Tessa When I enter the app, my account logs out automatically. And when I tried to connect again it doesn't let me.

  • S
    3 days ago

    sierra kicked me off my chat and can’t log back in

  • S
    3 days ago

    Sakura I can't even load the app

  • J
    3 days ago

    julia i can’t get onto the app at all ‼️

  • E
    3 days ago

    emma doesn’t let me enter the aoo

  • H
    3 days ago

    Haru Can't log in, even if restarting app

  • S
    3 days ago

    Sophie Getting black screen stating internal server error

  • P
    3 days ago

    Pearl The website does not load and only "internal server error" appears

  • K
    4 days ago

    Kayla My past chats won’t pull up when I click on them, and the character’s chat overlaps mine.

  • A
    4 days ago

    abbey previous chats aren't opening at all

  • G
    4 days ago

    Gray Previous chats aren't opening at all

  • N
    4 days ago

    Nisa My bot is going off the plot line and keeps giving me answers that are not even a part of the story

  • Z
    4 days ago

    Zim Bot is suddenly going off plot line after the supposed update of getting rid of the old site

  • A
    4 days ago

    Ailyn I tried accidentally made a new chat and tried to switch back to the one I was on and it wouldn't let me

  • J
    4 days ago

    julie My messeges keep lagging and changing, even if I picked a different answer the bot just answers to a different message and it just switches up when i didn’t want that

  • G
    4 days ago

    Guest When trying to select saved chats they won't load

  • A
    4 days ago

    Anna I cant use the new version of the website on my phone - its not loading. The app keeps crashing (character needs constant restarting)

  • D
    4 days ago

    Dino Its not replying to my messages

  • R
    5 days ago

    Roslyn The characters say code instead of the words and stuff.

  • A
    5 days ago

    Anon Logged me out won’t let me sign in

  • K
    6 days ago

    Kunikoo Not loading chats and not responding

  • A
    6 days ago

    Aki And now; the bots are terribly slow and/or give some random responds (with random laguage from absolutely nowhere). I wonder if I ever be ale to use this app normally today, 'cause everytime I try...

  • R
    6 days ago

    Rah It's being extremely slow

  • L
    6 days ago

    Lillian It just says "server issue" very small written and that's all

  • A
    6 days ago

    Aki Answers from bots are slow af. 💀

No active incidents reported in Character AI's status page

Character AI outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

1 issues

Last incident

3 days ago

Character AI outage history

Service Outage - low QPS

Minor Resolved

September 14, 2024 · lasted about 2 hours

We are currently investigating this issue.

Planned Maintenance

Minor Resolved

August 17, 2024 · lasted about 3 hours

We are upgrading our infrastructure to make the application more reliable. Users should experience some queueing in the waiting room.

Website is slow to load

Major Resolved

August 11, 2024 · lasted about 3 hours

We are currently investigating this issue.

Check Character AI components, services, or regions current status in real-time

Check the status of Character AI alternatives & related services

18 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. OpenAI
21 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. Anthropic
Cohere OK
4 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. Cohere
Jasper OK
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. Jasper
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. Rev AI
4 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. Pinecone
1 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare Character AI vs. CopyAI

Reports by users in other services in the last 12 hours

Canva user reports
Quora user reports
Apple user reports
Character AI
Character AI user reports
Meta user reports
Discord user reports
DoorDash user reports
Lightspeed user reports
Splice user reports
FetLife user reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Character AI down today?

Character AI is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Character AI status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Character AI outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last Character AI outage?

Character AI last outage was on September 14, 2024 with the title "Service Outage - low QPS"

Character AI not working for you? How do I know if Character AI is down?
  • Check on the top of the page if there are any reported problems by other users.
  • Find their support at their official website.
  • Find their support contact at their official status page.
How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.