Is McGraw Hill Down? What is the current status?

McGraw Hill status is operational
IsDown gathers data for McGraw Hill status from official sources and user reports.
Updated from McGraw Hill official status page.
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McGraw Hill issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about McGraw Hill problems

  • K
    1 day ago

    Krista I am still having an issue accessing the website. It's been down for over 3 hours for me. It says there is a typo in the website name, but there isn't.

  • E
    1 day ago

    Emma Can't reach McGraw Hill Connect

  • A
    1 day ago

    anonymous Cannot open McGraw hill website. It's saying there is a typo in my search but there isn't

  • M
    1 day ago

    Makaylah McGraw Hill page temporarily down for maintenance

  • M
    1 day ago

    Morgan Said there is a typo. Cannot get onto page

  • G
    1 day ago

    Garret You cannot access McGraw Hill Connect services, or any McGraw Hill Services in general as of right now

  • E
    1 day ago

    Ericka It is not letting me long into my account or open the website.

  • D
    1 day ago

    Diana Mcgraw hill won't connect, says it's unreachable currently even though other servers say it's up and running.

  • S
    1 day ago

    Stephanie My Ebook, Saladin Anatomy and Physiology is not opening up.

  • A
    1 day ago

    Ashton McGraw Hill will not open.

  • B
    1 day ago

    Beth Page will not load at all

  • J
    1 day ago

    Josh Unable to reach the website

  • K
    1 day ago

    Krista Cannot access the website at all

  • L
    1 day ago

    LaKeidrick Says server cannot be reached.

  • S
    1 day ago

    Sharon McGraw-Hill Connect is not loading in Canvas .

  • B
    3 days ago

    brianna i cannot open assignments

  • L
    3 days ago

    Lauren Assignments not loading in.

  • B
    3 days ago

    Bella Unable to load assignments or homework

  • G
    3 days ago

    Gaberial Can’t log in or start chapter HW

  • A
    3 days ago

    Anon When I click launch assignment it just stays on the page loading screen and I’ve checked my connection and tried multiple times with multiple assignments but they won’t load

  • C
    9 days ago

    Collin Won’t load my digital products

  • E
    11 days ago

    elizabeth it won't let me access my online class assignments

  • B
    13 days ago

    Bryce The page is continuously spinning. It will not load to begin any assignments.

  • A
    21 days ago

    Amy there was an error in finding your user, please contact support This is what my students and I are getting when we try to log on.

  • K
    22 days ago

    Kegan My launching of the site from Canvas is not working, I cannot access anything and the screen is just blank

  • G
    22 days ago

    Gabe The assignments wont load

  • B
    22 days ago

    Brian Nothing is loading when I try to use any links that would open McGraw Hill

  • H
    22 days ago

    Hyde Just a white screen from blackboard

  • P
    22 days ago

    Preston The screen only comes up white and wont load anything in

  • M
    22 days ago

    Matthew White screen when trying to start an assignment.

  • A
    22 days ago

    Alita When I try to load from Blackboard, nothing is opening. (Assignments, Text, etc.) everything is coming up with a blank screen.

  • T
    22 days ago

    Talea My homework is not loading

  • P
    22 days ago

    Preston It just opens a blank screen when I try to connect

  • L
    22 days ago

    Lana Loading with a blank white screen

  • H
    22 days ago

    Huy 404 Forbidden when I try to open.

  • S
    22 days ago

    Shawn-Anne ALEKS (US) ALEKS is giving an error message of 403 Forbidden

  • M
    22 days ago

    Megan "403 Forbidden" error when accessing McGraw Hill through Canvas

  • A
    25 days ago

    Adam Boards & Beyond Site will load with a blank white screen

  • A
    25 days ago

    amanda Boards & Beyond It does not let me enter my account

  • J
    about 1 month ago

    Josh User can't be found issue.

  • N
    about 1 month ago

    Nyssa It won't let me add anything to my cart

  • A
    about 1 month ago

    A Cannot purchase any books because it says error

  • N
    about 1 month ago

    nat when trying to purchase software for class it says there was an error processing my request and to try again in a few minutes

  • M
    about 1 month ago

    Mia when trying to purchase an ebook, every time the page says there was an error and to try again later

  • C
    about 2 months ago

    Chelsea The assignment times out, I also cannot read the book

  • A
    about 2 months ago

    Alexiana Ebook cannot open, cites error page. Extremely frustrating!

  • B
    about 2 months ago

    Bob An error message keeps popping up when trying to access the McGrawHill Connect LTIA modules

  • L
    about 2 months ago

    Laniya it keeps saying error and automatically closing

  • I
    2 months ago

    Ivy Website is redirecting from to login to secure page in a redirect loop. There is an issue with the redirect chain.

  • L
    2 months ago

    Lauren Says error 504 & isn't connecting to my assignments getting stuck on loading page

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jessica will not open any connect assignments or test

  • J
    3 months ago

    J Brightspace by D2L Can't access sign in from college page redirect

  • B
    3 months ago

    Blake My connect McGraw is not loading.

  • E
    4 months ago

    Emily Will not let me access or start any assignments. Have tried on two computers now.

  • L
    5 months ago

    Lily It keeps saying it's loading but nothing happens. Spinning blue circle..

  • R
    5 months ago

    Rob HTTP Status 500 – Internal Server Error. it just stopped while taking a finals.

  • J
    5 months ago

    Jimbo is not loading

  • A
    8 months ago

    alejandro Higher Education - Connect error loading smartbook.

  • H
    8 months ago

    hannah cant open assignment

No active incidents reported in McGraw Hill's status page

McGraw Hill outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

7 issues

Last incident

1 days ago

McGraw Hill outage history

Assignment and Assessment System is down

Minor Resolved

about 23 hours ago · lasted 4 minutes

Issues with Assignment and Assessment System

Login / Registration / Purchase,, SIMnet is down

Minor Resolved

September 26, 2024 · lasted 4 minutes

Issues with Login / Registration / Purchase,, SIMnet

Assignment and Assessment System is down

Minor Resolved

September 24, 2024 · lasted 4 minutes

Issues with Assignment and Assessment System

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IsDown aggregates and normalizes all your vendors' status pages. Create a dashboard & get outages alerts in Slack, PagerDuty, Datadog, and more.

Check the status of McGraw Hill alternatives & related services

Seesaw OK
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. Seesaw
4 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. Follett
11 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. PowerSchool (Schoology)
2 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. Blackboard
14 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. Edgenuity
5 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. Edmentum
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. STMath
5 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. NWEA
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. CSIU
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. SchoolMessenger
Blooket OK
0 incidents in the last 30 days
Compare McGraw Hill vs. Blooket

Stay informed about McGraw Hill status changes

IsDown offers an easy way to monitor McGraw Hill with maximum flexibility

Major Outages Notifications

IsDown monitors McGraw Hill for major outages. A major outage is when McGraw Hill experiences a critical issue that severely affects one or more services/regions. When McGraw Hill marks an incident as a major outage, IsDown updates its internal status, the customer status page and dashboard. Depending on the customer settings, IsDown will also send notifications.

Minor Outages Notifications

IsDown monitors McGraw Hill status page for minor outages. A minor outage is when McGraw Hill experiences a small issue affecting a small percentage of its customer's applications. An example is the performance degradation of an application. When a minor outage occurs, IsDown updates its internal status and shares that information on the customer status page. Depending on the customer settings, IsDown will also send notifications.

Outage Details

IsDown collects all information from the outages published in McGraw Hill status page to provide the most accurate information. If available, we gather the title, description, time of the outage, status, and outage updates. Another important piece of information is the affected services/regions which we use to filter the notifications that impact your business.

Component Filtering

IsDown monitors McGraw Hill and all their 90 components that can be affected by an outage. IsDown allows you to filter the notifications and status page alerts based on the components you care about. For example, you can choose which components or regions affect your business and filter out all other outages. This way you avoid alert fatigue in your team.

Early Outage Indicators

McGraw Hill and other vendors don’t always report outages on time. Our crowdsourced status platform helps you stay ahead of outages. Users report issues and outages, sharing details on what problems they are facing. We use that info to provide early signs of outages. This way, even without an official update, you can stay ahead of possible problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is McGraw Hill down today?

McGraw Hill is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 1 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the McGraw Hill status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest McGraw Hill outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last McGraw Hill outage?

McGraw Hill last outage was on September 26, 2024 with the title "Assignment and Assessment System is down"

McGraw Hill not working for you? How do I know if McGraw Hill is down?
How can I check McGraw Hill status and outages?
Why use IsDown to monitor McGraw Hill instead of the official status page?

Because IsDown is a status page aggregator, which means that we aggregate the status of multiple cloud services. You can monitor McGraw Hill and all the services that impact your business. Get a dashboard with the health of all services and status updates. Set up notifications via Slack, Datadog, PagerDuty, and more, when a service you monitor has issues or when maintenances are scheduled. Check more details in here.

How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.

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