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Therese I tried adding20 revoult ac from Bank ac but said 2 - 3days if it was larger amt would say something 🤔
Nikos Revolut customer live chat doesn't respond, transactions don't load, payment links get declined.
Daniel My savings account disappeared
Pepe Flex Savings accounts are missing. Revolut has not acknowledge, or sent any kind of communication. Support takes forever to reply. If its a known issue they should send a notification instead of ...
Dósa I can't see my savings account money.
Lauren Wages haven't gone in for Several staff
Gina I can withdraw my money. Where is my money now?
Trang Can't withdraw money from my flexible account. Usually the transaction would be done in seconds. Now it's been pending for hours
stavros cant receive incoming money
Peter Can't withdraw from my Flexible Money Market Fund Account. All withdrawal transactions are in pending state
Kristina Pending transfers, no ability to top up
Paul Can't transfer even though have available funds
Dan Orders do not update or currency exchanges do not work
David Issues with outbound transfers
Vlad Transfering money or miles does not work.
Conor Add money won't work from either card or transfer
Brandon Not letting me spend money
Tereza Money transfer doesn't work
Imtiaz payment and transfers impossible
Maria Transactions are not possible
Tom No transfers are happenning
O Few services are down at the moment for revolut
Klaud Can’t pay or send or do anytning
Max Sign Up, Card payments, Topping up via bank card, Transfers, Currency exchange, Stock trading, Identity verification, Live support chat, Internal transfers, Cryptocurrency, Card order, Card det...
sunny keeps saying error anytime i do anything
John Add Money. Transfer Money. Delete cards
P Won't log in. Keeps saying Error
Jim Can't pay or transfer: "Were sorry, something went wrong. Please try later"
Mario Can’t send/receive money. No codes are coming through via SMS or email.
Diogo Cannot put or move any money
Alex App logged me out and I now can’t log back in
Daniel Can't log into my account or transfer
James Won’t let me login. If I do manage to login can’t do anything
Jordan Took my money and locked me out my account
Ioana Can't move my money from pocket to Main account
Joe No money in account and cannot log in
Krisztián Error messages and cant operate with money
John I can login in the app, but that's as much as I can do. Last I did was an in account operation, the money was registered on one side but not deducted from the other (A pocket)
Tyler Can’t transfer or receive
brian Can’t make a payment into it !!! Cannot transfer out of savings
David A transaction is not showing from earlier and i cannot pay a bill of £10
John No matter what I try doing, revolut tells me to try again later
Julie I can't connect to my business account
anett can't send or spend money
Kati Cannot add money from card
S Revolut not responding - can't exchange money or chat to a bot
Lydia add money is not possible
Bogomil I literally cant do any transaction trough revolut right now
Ian Unable to make payments or do transfers
Johansen Not able to log in, and also not able to transfer money
ADP Cannot login from desktop or using the card
RG Cannot transfer money with mobile app, cannot login from desktop
Marty Transfers are down. Adding currency is down
Daniel App doesn't work. I can't exchange currencies or top-up my account
Panagiotis Can't login on web - can't view recent transaction
Pamcho I cant send or receive money
David Unable to login to Revolut Business
Matthew Cannot top up Junior Account.
Eman Can’t send or receive money
Mafalda I cannot login. It gives me an error. I have tried by updating the app, turning off and on the phone, going to the website of Revolut and the same error occurs.
Number of Incidents
0 issues
Last incident
102 days ago
Revolut is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Revolut status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Revolut outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.
We don't have a record of Revolut last outage
IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.