Z Refuses to put the order through
Samarra Facebook login isn't working. It acts like I'm a brand new account, but when I enter my email it says there's already an account. When I try to login with THAT email, it tells me to login through f...
Josh Won't let me pay on the app just goes back to main page
Leah App won’t load to access menu or rewards.
Taylor It says there is an issue on their side when i try to pay
Sims The app won’t load past the golden arch logo
Carol App opens but doesn’t load. See a golden arch symbol but nothing more
K Won't load code, have reinstall app multiple times because it force closes itself
Emile I put everything into my checkout but crashing once i go to my checkout
Kayla Not loading past the M screen
Michelle It will not allow for delivery just pick up!!! It keeps saying currently unavailable at this address I’ve had no problems before and this has been happening for 4 days
J. The app isn't loading past the white screen with yellow 'M' logo
Emily Cannot create an account on mobile app. “invalid email” keeps popping up all through avenues of apps for sign up and payment options.
Gemma Won’t load the McDonald’s monopoly keeps timing out and crashing I deleted the app and reinstalled but still having the same issue
Jimmy It scans one out of 5 times then just leads to a pink screen and stays there
G App opens but freezes on first screen (white background with the golden M). I have closes app and restarted several times and it's still the same.
Josh error getting menu categories
Stephanie not letting me select a location
Andie Not loading, can’t mobile order, lagging.
dotty App is down. Sign up in the store
Clare The menu is coming up but everything else on the app is working OK.
Ben App is stuck at checkout - can’t go further
Lynsey Not loading when trying to order
Chris Does not load when order button is presses
Steve Can't use to start an order
Jess Won’t let me order a delivery
cait not loading, bringing a java script error code
Rob Unable to load my order to checkout
Clare Won't load menu. Also signed me out and then wouldn't sign me back in. App running slow
Julie Can’t load menus, saying technical problem
Ken It won't let me redeem my points....it says not available during breakfast hours ...and its not breakfast hours....this has been goin on over a month...im not happy!!
Brian It will not load. Stuck on the load page
Grace Cannot login to the mcdonalds canada app
Jacob It will let me push the order in but as I go to pay it says that there I'd a issue with the app on their end
Brad Not able to proceed to checkout. App keeps crashing and closing
David Everytime I try to order from the app and pay there, it kicks me out of the checkout screen and won't let me finish my order and pay for my food, I've restarted my phone, cleared the cache, closed ...
Jeanette Not able to order… Menu not available
Vicki It freezes upon opening. Completely unresponsive. I have restarted the phone, un-installed and reinstalled. Swo5ched between wifi and data... and nothing works
Oliver States open stores are currently closed when attempting to pay for mobile order
Jay Not being able to mobile order
Kay It’s not loading at all and keeps closing out
Sarah Can not order food, not accepting card payments and saying everyone is temporarily unavailable
Jordan App closes every time I try to check out
David Won't let me sign in to place an order.
Joe App stuck on logo screen, won’t finish loading to open app
Pete Says app isn't working right now.
Alex "We're not able to place your order at the moment. Please try again later."
Riley It hasn't loaded within the last 2 weeks
Matthew It’s not loading anything
Bill Store said apps not working
Charlotte Won't let me use shy payment method and check out. Keeps saying error
Paul All im getting the golden m and nothing else
Ashley App won't make payments when I try to checkout. I ended up saying f this and went through the drive through with my card. Sucks that I miss out on the points, but I had places to be.
Brandon App says there are technical difficulties
Luke I am unable to login no matter what I use
Kevin It’s not showing my points
Amanda I can’t add things to my cart.
Stephen App can’t make payments, technical difficulties comes up
Haley App says I have stuff in my cart but when I click on it it says I have nothing in my cart, I restarted it and now it says I have more than one offer in my cart, also when I check out it takes my mo...
Matt App keeps closing when ordering. Restarted app/phone - same issue.
Number of Incidents
0 issues
Last incident
6 days ago
McDonald's Mobile App is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the McDonald's Mobile App status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest McDonald's Mobile App outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.
We don't have a record of McDonald's Mobile App last outage
IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.