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Fix was deployed and reindexing complete. This incident is resolved.
Most issues concerning claimlist should be resolved. Investigation and monitoring is ongoing.
Some issues have been resolved, but work is stil ongoing.
We expect all to get resolved over night, but will be monitoring and solving any issues seen throughout the weekend.
Work to resolve issues with claimlist, is stil ongoing.
Expect next update around 14:00.
Status this morning.
Claimlist for majority of tenants is correct and functioning as it is suppose to.
A few tenants are unfortunately still seeing dublicate claimnumbers, incorrect claimstatus and can experience errors in functionality which relies on claimlist. We continue to work to resolve these issues for affected tenants.
Next update will be brought by 12:00.
Reindexing is in progress. We expect it to be solved by tomorrow morning.
The indexing process, that was processing this morning and causing issues, has completed. We are still seeing issues that need to be resolved before all claims can be listed correctly - IE be visible, showing correct dates and/or Task icons ect.
Iinvestigation of issues is still ongoing this afternoon and we expect to reindex all claims again tonight, ready for tomorrow morning.
Untill then, you can still expect to see irregularities when searching for claims.
Sorry for any inconvenince this may cause.
Indexing is still ongoing. It has currently caused a large amount of claims, to disappear from claimlist for many users.
All claims do still exist and can be accessed using direct links from for instance emails.
We are aware of the issue and are continuing to monitor situation and expect claims to return to claimlist once indexing gets closer to completion.
The indexing process is still on going. This means you may still see errors in regards to tasks and deadlines and newly created cases may still not be visible in searches. We will report back once full indexation is finished.
Furthermore, we are still working on concrete fixes for the dublicated claims in case list.
Work to resolve issue is still ongoing. We are currently monitoring situation whilst focus is on removing dublicates.
Next update no later than 12:00.
We have identified an issue where many claims are shown multiple times in claimlist.
This is a sideeffect of an update last night, that required all cases to be reindexed for search purposes. This also means users may experience issues when using the search functionality for the claims list.
We ar working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
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