Is Cash App Borrow Down? What is the current status?

Cash App Borrow status is operational
IsDown gathers data for Cash App status from official sources and user reports.
Cash App Borrow not working for you?
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Cash App Borrow issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about Cash App Borrow problems

  • H
    6 days ago

    Hamadi It won’t let me borrow money back

  • A
    14 days ago

    alex does not let me successfully skip repayment

  • B
    24 days ago

    Brieyana Is borrow down? I can’t borrow anymore. I’ve paid my balance

  • J
    about 1 month ago

    Juan I haven’t seen the Cash App Borrow Widget thing in some time. I believe they got rid of it due to the class action lawsuit against them. The timing adds up. Or does anyone else not have any issue w...

  • A
    about 2 months ago

    Andres Is Cash App Borrow not available anymore?

  • L
    about 2 months ago

    Laterica My limit was $1000 I paid it out and now it’s saying unable to borrow at this time. It’s been over a month

  • L
    about 2 months ago

    Lynzie I was able to borrow and now I can’t but it says $75 able to borrow I click it and put how much I wanna borrow and it says unavailable

  • J
    2 months ago

    Jerome Can’t borrow at the moment

  • T
    2 months ago

    Teecee Says the borrow is currently unavailable

  • S
    3 months ago

    Stephanie I’ve been using borrowing and paying back for over two years and I’ve just paid my loan off and it still will not allow me to borrow at the moment but it says

  • A
    3 months ago

    Amber I paid off my borrowed amount early but now says it's unavailable. I have read many other messages just like mine asking same question. Can you explain please?

  • L
    3 months ago

    Lisa I repaid my loan early but now it's saying borrowing unavailable repay only. What's going on?

  • K
    3 months ago

    Keziah I’m having the same issue I can’t borrow it just says repay only but I’ve repaid everything

  • M
    3 months ago

    Maurice My cash app barrow limit was 900 I paid the balance now I can’t barrow back

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jessica I repaid my loan like always early and it's saying m not able to borrow at the moment and been like that for well over a week

  • A
    3 months ago

    Allan The cashapp r is saying that it's unavailable and not allowing me to borrow money at this moment but I have paid my all of my loans early and have never had an issue like this about $600 and I had ...

  • T
    3 months ago

    Toya I paid my loan in full and it’s saying unable to borrow at the moment. What is really going on?

  • F
    3 months ago

    Frederick I borrow all the time I paid my loan off as usual and went to reborrow back it's saying unavailable

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jason I've had a $500 borrow limit for sometime now and it's paid up in full but it says that I'm not able to borrow at this time repay only but I have already paid what I owed.

  • B
    3 months ago

    B Repayed , and I no longer have the option to Borrow

  • D
    3 months ago

    Delton Cash app isn’t letting me borrow any money. I’ve always paid a day before the due date and never missed a payment. Just wanted to know the reason why.

  • S
    3 months ago

    Sharon Borrowing says unable to borrow at this moment after repaying

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jacob I payed my amount borrowed back early and now it’s saying it’s unavailable

  • C
    3 months ago

    Conswala I paid my payment today have one due tomorrow but it will not let me borrow what I paid back

  • D
    3 months ago

    Danielle Says unable to borrow at the moment

  • G
    3 months ago

    Gabriel Cash says unavailable to borrow at moment

  • N
    3 months ago

    Nathan Are they ever going to let us know what's going on with the borrow feature or just keep leaving people in the dark, everytime customer service says they will help they come back and say they cant

  • S
    3 months ago

    Samuel Borrow is showing unavailable

  • C
    3 months ago

    Currey It’s not letting me borrow and I have good history

  • A
    3 months ago

    Anita Paid back loam and now it says borrow unavailable.

  • N
    3 months ago

    Nathan The borrow feature is not operational for my cashapp and multiple others

  • S
    3 months ago

    Samuel I paid my loan back and now borrow is unavailable

  • K
    3 months ago

    Kenneth I paid my loan early as usual and now won't let me borrow again

  • N
    3 months ago

    Nathan The borrow feature isn't working I paid off the entire balance and it's still saying borrow not available at the moment and it does it on my wife's cash app as well

  • T
    3 months ago

    Trinity Cash app borrow states unavailable even though I have no outstanding loans

  • A
    3 months ago

    Amy Not late on repayment, yet for the first time cashapp borrow feature is telling me "unable to borrow at the moment". I alwaus use cashapp borrow and havent had a problem until now

  • Z
    3 months ago

    zae borrow feature wont let me borrow

  • A
    3 months ago

    Alicia Borrow not working. No payments due

  • T
    3 months ago

    Tyrae It's not letting me borrow I repaid the money I borrowed last week

  • E
    3 months ago

    Edwin Paid my loan back and now unable to borrow at the moment smh 🤦‍♂️

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jay Paid early now unable to borrow

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jennifer It says unable to borrow although it’s paid off??

  • A
    3 months ago

    Amber I have used it for years practically with never an issue and now its unavailabke so either theyve changed their criteria or ots down

  • Z
    3 months ago

    Zeek I've paid balance say unable to borrow something is wrong

  • S
    3 months ago

    Shanna It won't let me borrow and it says repay only. I already paid what I owed and it was early too. I just got it up to $125 and now this happens.

  • C
    3 months ago

    Carolyn It’s not showing up on my cash app I’m current on loan plus I accidentally and paid the borrowed amount of 118 I accidentally paid that twice so I need that refund back to account.. The transaction...

  • M
    3 months ago

    Marco It's say Unavailable At the Moment. All payments have been made. Borrow feature unavailable repay only.

  • C
    3 months ago

    Christopher I have had borrow for over a year . I've never been late on my payments.I paid the 325 back 2 days early, Now it says unable to borrow at the moment.

  • E
    3 months ago

    Elizabeth Not able to borrow it says unable to borrow at the moment.

  • M
    3 months ago

    Matthew My borrow is there but won’t let me borrow anything .

  • A
    3 months ago

    Amber I repaid my loan as I always do and it accepted the payment AND CLEARED IT, but it won’t let me borrow Any money back. It says Borrow unavailable at the moment.

  • C
    3 months ago

    Courtney I just repaid my balance and it's saying unavailable

  • L
    3 months ago

    Linda All. Of my loans are paid back and I have made cash app alot of money on interest and so but now it's unavailable to me why ? I won't it back .

  • T
    3 months ago

    Tara It's telling me borrow is unavailable at the moment. I'm caught up on all payments have always made my payments. I think I was only late on a final payment once. My limit to borrow is 575. But n...

  • S
    3 months ago

    Stacie Paid off my borrow balance and now it says borrow is unavailable

  • M
    3 months ago

    Michelle My cash app borrow is down I paid everything on time and now it says on repay not borrow even tho I had 1000$ in credit before

  • A
    3 months ago

    Ariel The icon is not showing says borrow is unavailable at the moment

  • F
    3 months ago

    Francis Paid the amount I borrowed. Then the borrow tab disappeared. Contacted support, business can no long borrow. Change it to person account. Still can’t borrow. I’ve been using cash app direct deposit...

  • T
    3 months ago

    Tiehana Was able to borrow for over 3 years now still getting direct deposit and everything all of a sudden I’m not able to borrow

  • O
    3 months ago

    Oshae I repaid my balance a day early and it's not going through

No active incidents reported in Cash App's status page

Cash App Borrow outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

0 issues

Last incident

211 days ago

Cash App Borrow outage history

Messaging delays

Minor Resolved

February 22, 2024 · lasted about 6 hours

We're aware of delays in SMS messaging for some customers. We will continue to monitor this issue as it progresses.

Borrow Issues

Minor Resolved

December 15, 2023 · lasted about 2 hours

We have identified an issue causing some customers to experience errors when using Cash App Borrow and are actively looking into a resolution for this. For real-time updates you can visit

Failed Add Cash attempts

Minor Resolved

December 05, 2023 · lasted about 2 hours

We're aware of an issue causing Add Cash attempts and some bitcoin purchase attempts to fail, and we are investigating. We are working to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

Reports by users in other services in the last 12 hours

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Cash App Borrow down today?

Cash App is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Cash App status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Cash App Borrow outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last Cash App Borrow outage?

Cash App Borrow last outage was on February 22, 2024 with the title "Messaging delays"

Cash App not working for you? How do I know if Cash App is down?
How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.