Tina Main joey works but the other 4 in my house will not pull up channel
Teri My recording keeps blacking out. It was from 2-3 pm today on abc
Diana Most stations are cutting in and out.
Charlie No picture, no sound - just verticals lines
Gordon Signal lost, and local channels lost
Paul Blue Screen warning # 981a. Past 3 hours Tells it is uploading Vital Program information Do not disturb or unplug.. Till finished Line of BOXES ACCROSS THE SCREEN NOTHING H...
Rae Complete signal loss since 8:00 PM
Mike 77905 complete signal loss.
Lexa No cable. Acquiring signal
Number of Incidents
0 issues
Last incident
- days ago
No outages registered
Dish Network is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Dish Network status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Dish Network outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.
We don't have a record of Dish Network last outage
IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.