Is Apple Pay & Wallet Down? What is the current status?

Apple Pay & Wallet status is operational
IsDown gathers data for Apple status from official sources and user reports.
Apple Pay & Wallet not working for you?
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Apple Pay & Wallet issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about Apple Pay & Wallet problems

  • R
    2 days ago

    Richard Payment being declined via Apple pay

  • R
    3 days ago

    Rosie Can’t use it or transfer money

  • J
    5 days ago

    JD Plenty of money in there, not accepting purchases, saying payment method failed.

  • P
    7 days ago

    Paula Not able to use Apple Pay anywhere. It’s not reading

  • J
    9 days ago

    Josephine I can’t add my bank card to Apple Pay, says Apple Pay currently unavailable

  • A
    9 days ago

    Aminah i cant seem to download any apps and it keep saying card failed which it doesnt make sense

  • J
    13 days ago

    Jamie My money isn’t transferring to my Apple wallet and I cannot send Apple Cash to another person. It says it’s declining but called my bank and they said I have funds to send… so what the hell?

  • D
    13 days ago

    Delicia Not letting me transfer money to bank account.

  • R
    13 days ago

    Risto Not able to pay via appstore

  • D
    14 days ago

    Dan Double click Apple Pay stopped working. Deleting and reinstalling credit card and relinking it to Apple pay repeatedly fails - “unable to add card try again”.

  • S
    15 days ago

    Sara It keeps saying my purchase is cancelled. My card is fine, money in my account and it won’t go through.

  • G
    15 days ago

    GLYNN Transaction cannot be completed due to unknown error?

  • J
    17 days ago

    Justin Checkout says “Apple Pay http unresponsive”

  • L
    17 days ago

    Laeba I have been sent money but it isn’t in my apple pay

  • S
    17 days ago

    Steph Card won’t add to wallet

  • H
    17 days ago

    Henry No cards working for Apple Store. Instant rejection.

  • J
    18 days ago

    Jo I cannot add my credit cards to apple wallet. It kept saying contact card issuer. I called the card issuer and they said no issue at all.

  • E
    19 days ago

    Eleighna Trying to make a payment for Apple Card and error says Apple services unavailable

  • L
    20 days ago

    Letrice It’s not letting me add my cards. I have tried numerous times today. This is a huge inconvenience for me.

  • D
    22 days ago

    Dan Payments keep declining after removing and re-adding card

  • K
    26 days ago

    Kelvin It keeps saying time sensitive

  • M
    26 days ago

    M Not working but card is fine

  • H
    about 1 month ago

    Helie Tap to pay isn't working

  • S
    about 1 month ago

    S The following message is given: Account Services Unavailable Apple Pay services are currently unavailable. Please try again later.

  • B
    about 1 month ago

    Brianna unable to transfer money

  • K
    about 1 month ago

    Kit Payment won’t go through. Message says “there is an issue with Apple Pay - try again later” Tried 6+ times - no luck

  • J
    about 1 month ago

    JP Randomly declines 2 in 3 transactions no matter the amount.

  • N
    about 1 month ago

    Nikki Money not showing on my wallet

  • M
    about 2 months ago

    Max 6 different cards from 4 banks and 3 card networks all decline for online payment.

  • J
    about 2 months ago

    John Says services not available when I go to transfer to bank from wallet

  • M
    2 months ago

    Maria I can’t send money with Apple Pay

  • J
    3 months ago

    Jasmine Declining payments which otherwise work when using the card

  • A
    3 months ago

    Antonia Cannot connect to Apple Pay and can not add cards to apps

  • E
    3 months ago

    Emilin Still says not available

  • N
    3 months ago

    Nathan Error not working to purchase

  • D
    3 months ago

    Devaughnté Cannot add my card to the wallet there’s no error it just loads and does nothing

  • Z
    3 months ago

    Zachary Not working on Cirkul website

  • C
    3 months ago

    Chiquita Apple Pay is currently down

  • J
    4 months ago

    Jack Won't work to pay at checkout.

  • C
    4 months ago

    Ciara Issues using apple pay cannot make a purchase online.

  • A
    4 months ago

    Annabelle Can’t receive funds or make purchases right now even though I have enough money and allow funds to be received.

  • G
    4 months ago

    Gary Apple Pay declining across pos systems

  • A
    4 months ago

    Ann Tried to book a flight - payment failed twice, was fine when I used the card

  • A
    4 months ago

    Adam Getting message on iPhone that says it’s not available

  • A
    5 months ago

    A I can’t use my apple wallet

  • M
    5 months ago

    Michael Won’t let me pay with a card

  • S
    6 months ago

    S I can’t pay, “payment not completed” is showing on screen even tho my card is working

No active incidents reported in Apple's status page

Apple Pay & Wallet outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

0 issues

Last incident

233 days ago

Apple Pay & Wallet outage history

Outage in Apple Pay & Wallet

Minor Resolved

January 30, 2024 · lasted 4 minutes

Some users may experience issues with Web and In-App payments. - Some users are affected

Outage in Apple Pay & Wallet

Major Resolved

January 18, 2024 · lasted 32 minutes

Users are not currently able to provision access credentials in Apple Wallet. - All users are affected

Outage in Apple Card, Apple Card, Apple Cash, Apple Cash, Apple Pay & Wallet, Apple Pay & Wallet

Major Resolved

December 20, 2023 · lasted about 2 hours

Some users may experience issues with Web and In-App payments. - Some users are affected

Reports by users in other services in the last 12 hours

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Apple Pay & Wallet down today?

Apple is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the Apple status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest Apple Pay & Wallet outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last Apple Pay & Wallet outage?

Apple Pay & Wallet last outage was on January 30, 2024 with the title "Outage in Apple Pay & Wallet"

Apple not working for you? How do I know if Apple is down?
How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.