Square Appointments is operational
Monitoring since
August 2020
Total Incidents in 2025
0 incidents
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IsDown pulls data from Square's status page every few minutes. Refresh the page every few minutes to see if there are any updates.
This chart displays the number of user-reported issues over the past 24 hours, grouped into 20-minute intervals. It's normal to see occasional reports, which may be due to individual user issues rather than a broader problem. We only consider an issue widespread if there are multiple reports within a short timeframe.
15 days agoApp working but won't save updates on appointments
3 months agocan not save apts or add new apts
3 months agoSquare customer directory is not allowing appointments
3 months agoApp is working, on computer I cannot schedule, change or view any appointment details.
4 months agoIt won't let me process any of my payments
4 months agoLink for clients to book their own appointment is not working
4 months agoBooking site is not working
6 months agoCurrent day: no availability After today looks good
7 months agoMy appointments app keeps saying “appointments loading” I’ve tried to delete the app and install it again, and I’ve also turned my phone off and on. It’s still the same issue
8 months agoWill not allow me to save an appointment - save stays grey after all fields are filled out
8 months agoBooking error coming up when booking through google
9 months agoThe very last booking button my clients press to secure the appt is not allowing there appt to go through.
10 months agofailed to load - says try again later or check internet and my wifi is good.
10 months agoKeeps closing saying it has a bug and try later when app is fixed
11 months agoLoading clients
IsDown has tracked 11 incidents for Square Appointments since started monitoring Square status in August 2020.
11 months ago · lasted about 9 hours
We are currently experiencing a disruption that is impacting some Square services. We understand how important it is for your business for all of our services to be up and running, and our Engineering team is actively working on a fix. Thank you f... More details
over 1 year ago · lasted about 3 hours
Our engineering team is continuing to monitor the results of the fix implemented and Square services are continuing to recover. As a reminder, for instant answers to common questions, visit our Support Center at squareup.com/help or our Seller Co... More details
over 1 year ago · lasted about 15 hours
We are currently investigating a disruption with Square Services. We’ll be back to update as soon as we receive more information from our Engineers. More details
We've tracked and collected 11 incidents for Square Appointments since started monitoring Square status
Number of Incidents
0 issues
Last incident
344 days ago
Get instant alerts when your cloud vendors experience downtime. Create an internal status page to keep your team in the loop and minimize the impact of service disruptions.
IsDown offers an easy way to monitor Square with maximum flexibility
IsDown monitors Appointments for major outages. A major outage is when Appointments experiences a critical issue that severely affects one or more services/regions. When Square marks an incident as a major outage, IsDown updates its internal status, the customer status page and dashboard. Depending on the customer settings, IsDown will also send notifications.
IsDown monitors Square status page for minor outages. A minor outage is when Appointments experiences a small issue affecting a small percentage of its customer's applications. An example is the performance degradation of an application. When a minor outage occurs, IsDown updates its internal status and shares that information on the customer status page. Depending on the customer settings, IsDown will also send notifications.
IsDown collects all information from the outages published in Square status page to provide the most accurate information. If available, we gather the title, description, time of the outage, status, and outage updates. Another important piece of information is the affected services/regions which we use to filter the notifications that impact your business.
IsDown monitors Square and all their 58 components that can be affected by an outage. IsDown allows you to filter the notifications and status page alerts based on the components you care about. For example, you can choose which components or regions affect your business and filter out all other outages. This way you avoid alert fatigue in your team.
Square and other vendors don’t always report outages on time. Our crowdsourced status platform helps you stay ahead of outages. Users report issues and outages, sharing details on what problems they are facing. We use that info to provide early signs of outages. This way, even without an official update, you can stay ahead of possible problems.
Square Appointments isn't down. You can check Square Appointments status and incident details on the top of the page. IsDown continuously monitors Square Appointments official status page every few minutes. In the last 24 hours, there were 0 outages reported.
Square Appointments is currently operational. You can check Square Appointments status and incident details on the top of the page. The status is updated in almost real-time, and you can see the latest outages and issues affecting customers.
No, there is no ongoing official outage. Check on the top of the page if there are any reported problems by other users.
Currently there's no report of Square Appointments being slow. Check on the top of the page if there are any reported problems by other users.
IsDown monitors the Square Appointments official status page every few minutes. We also get reports from users like you. If there are enough reports about an outage, we'll show it on the top of the page.
Square Appointments last outage was on February 06, 2024 with the title "All Services Disruption"
IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.
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