Is WHOOP Down? What is the current status?

WHOOP status is operational
IsDown gathers data for WHOOP status from official sources and user reports.
Updated from WHOOP official status page.
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WHOOP issues reported by users in the last 24 hours

Latest user comments about WHOOP problems

  • K
    about 3 hours ago

    Karl Not connection to the app/syncing

  • A
    about 13 hours ago

    Alex Won’t load todays data. Just yesterday

  • J
    about 14 hours ago

    Jose Server down notification

  • A
    about 14 hours ago

    Alison The app says it can’t connect to the server

  • O
    about 14 hours ago

    Ol Not connecting to servers

  • J
    about 14 hours ago

    Jeff Can’t load main screen, all other screens functional

  • C
    8 days ago

    C Not synching and moving to the new day

  • S
    9 days ago

    Sheena No data says it's catching up two days now.

  • A
    11 days ago

    Alex Data stopped syncing at 7:10 this morning

  • N
    19 days ago

    noura cant sign up for more than 5 hours

  • C
    25 days ago

    Carmen Not pairing even though Bluetooth is connected

  • K
    25 days ago

    Kate Whoop hasn’t synced since 12 hours ago.

  • K
    27 days ago

    Kelly Not reading anything. Not processing sleep- not updating although it says it is connected.

  • S
    27 days ago

    steven sleep is not being processed

  • S
    27 days ago

    Stacey Husband and I both can’t get our sleep processed- even manually by hitting process.

  • C
    27 days ago

    Chris Data is not syncing despite being connected to the whoop through Bluetooth and fully charged

  • J
    28 days ago

    joy has not received data sine outage on august 22 at 12:52.

  • M
    about 1 month ago

    Monica Can’t open app & page is dark!.

  • L
    about 1 month ago

    Livi Showing that it's trying to sync data. Last synced 8/10/24 @ 1613 (CT). Battery charged. Shows it's actively connected to phone through Bluetooth.

  • D
    about 1 month ago

    Dean My whoop says no data available

  • M
    about 1 month ago

    Marron Whoop gives an error message - nothing is being displayed

  • B
    about 1 month ago

    Britney Says unavailable check back later

  • A
    about 1 month ago

    Andrew New Whoop band. Can’t finish setup. Spinning progress wheel at terms and conditions agreement page. Absolute BS.

  • K
    about 1 month ago

    Kursten whole app shows no data and won’t load

  • Z
    about 1 month ago

    Z I get the error message “something went wrong. Try again.” I cannot see any old data through the whoop app.

  • M
    about 2 months ago

    MK Data not catching up. Latest was at 11am. Time now is 5:40pm.

  • P
    about 2 months ago

    Peter Wearing the band and the battery is full but no data gets to the band

  • V
    about 2 months ago

    Valerie Sleep and activities that were there this morning are no longer there

  • J
    about 2 months ago

    Josh Connectivity. Won’t connect

  • M
    about 2 months ago

    MICHELLE Whoop won’t load overview page

  • A
    about 2 months ago

    Alex Whoop is feeling me that it hasn't received data in the last 35 hrs. I have charged it (it's showing 95%), I have adjusted straps so it's sitting properly, I have disconnected and reconnected (Blue...

  • B
    about 2 months ago

    Bill Shows connected, but last synch was 14 hours ago.

  • C
    about 2 months ago

    Charlie Whoop cant connect to network

  • M
    2 months ago

    Marie Not syncing any data from 11:00am it is now 11:00pm and my whoop hasnt picked up anything. Did not pick up any information from day prior also- bluetooth connected and watch on entire time

  • A
    2 months ago

    Adhirath My data is not syncing since last night. The device has enough charge, the phone has data on it. But still somehow the data is not catching up on the app

  • K
    2 months ago

    Kaz Band has not recorded my data for the last 24hrs and is not syncing.

  • J
    2 months ago

    Julie Keeps saying off body.. when not!

  • B
    2 months ago

    Brian I am missing my data from last night

  • S
    2 months ago

    Stephanie Showing major lag in data

  • J
    2 months ago

    John Is Whoop registration kaput at the moment ? Or is it simply that the software is clunky ?

  • J
    2 months ago

    John Can't create an account -- simply get video about setting the strap - then nothing. Not impressed so far !

  • D
    2 months ago

    Daniel Sleep process delayed by 2 hrs

  • D
    2 months ago

    Daniel No data sync from morning

  • A
    2 months ago

    Ashley My Whoop won’t catch up. I’m over 12 hours behind and I’ve done everything I could find to fix the issue. Anyone else having trouble?

  • N
    2 months ago

    Nicole Whoop stuck “syncing” from 8:17am. Stays catching up

  • D
    2 months ago

    Dominic Data uploads & processing Whoop stuck “catching up” since 10:11a.m. Rebooting device and re-pairing device does not work.

  • J
    2 months ago

    Jonas Data not syncing 8+ hours despite trying all their suggested fixes multiple times…

  • Z
    2 months ago

    Zach Data not syncing. Trying since 11:16AM

  • K
    2 months ago

    Kelsie Data has been syncing since 10:55 am this morning. Won’t sync.

  • E
    2 months ago

    ERIN Data not syncing despite following their fixed

  • E
    2 months ago

    Erinn My whoop has been “syncing” for the last 8hrs

  • C
    2 months ago

    Carlos Data not updating. Data catching up for 5 hours… since 10:43am central time

  • I
    2 months ago

    Izzy data not uploading - 4 hours+ ‘catching up’

  • M
    2 months ago

    Megan Data not uploading. Been out since 11:17am

  • D
    2 months ago

    Dan Data not uploading to whoop cloud

  • R
    2 months ago

    Ryan “Your sleep is being analyzed.” Still saying this after 3 hours. My sleep is still pending.

  • N
    2 months ago

    Nathalie My Whoop says I am not wearing it and I am.

  • S
    2 months ago

    Scott Strain processing is delayed. App has not updated since 9:55AM

  • M
    2 months ago

    M No synch. Strain not updating even after reset.

  • D
    2 months ago

    Devon My sleep is not processing and whoopn is not updating past 6:50am PDT.

No active incidents reported in WHOOP's status page

WHOOP outages in the last 30 days

Number of Incidents

2 issues

Last incident

1 days ago

WHOOP outage history

Product experience degraded

Minor Resolved

about 14 hours ago · lasted about 4 hours

We are investigating an issue disrupting the app. Our engineering team is actively working on a fix. Your data will not be lost and will be caught up shortly.

Investigating Errors Opening the App

Major Resolved

August 23, 2024 · lasted about 9 hours

We are currently investigating this issue.

Investigating a bug that shows data catching up

Major Resolved

July 17, 2024 · lasted about 1 hour

The team is investigating a bug that is showing data catching up indicator in app stuck or behind in time. The team is investigating, know that your data is coming in and is currently available. Ac...

Reports by users in other services in the last 12 hours

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Apple user reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Is WHOOP down today?

WHOOP is currently operational. In the last 24 hours, there were 2 outages reported. IsDown continuously monitors the WHOOP status page, looking for the latest outages and issues affecting customers. Check all recent outages in the section 'Latest WHOOP outages, issues and problems' at the top of the page.

When was the last WHOOP outage?

WHOOP last outage was on September 20, 2024 with the title "Product experience degraded"

WHOOP not working for you? How do I know if WHOOP is down?
How IsDown compares to DownDetector?

IsDown and DownDetector help users determine if a service is having problems. The big difference is that IsDown is a status page aggregator. IsDown monitors a service's official status page to give our customers a more reliable source of information. The integration allows us to provide more details about the outage, like incident title, description, updates, and the parts of the affected service. Additionally, users can create internal status pages and set up notifications for all their third-party services.